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noise from my vr6

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Hello again !

Ive got a noise coming from my engine and i cant seem to locate it ! I dont think it is tappets inless a slight one ,because when first started they go quiet pretty quick . I was thinking may be it could be the chain slapping ! I have heard ia little of this is acceptable ? You can hear it on accelaration and may be slightly more on deacceleration.The chains and tensioners were all replaced at 95k along with bottom end rebuild by previous owner! (Have invoices).

Has anyone got the same annoying noise ,orany advice cheers! :)


The car has now covered 118k, there is no sign of tappets being replaced from the paper work i got with the car !

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I have a similar problem mate. It comes from the rear left as you look at the engine, near the manifold. Is that where yours is? You can hear it better if you put your head close whilst revving.


The problem with mine was that the oil pick up was blocked, but its now started doing it again. Im changing the oil pump this week with a known serviceable one, to see if its the cause of the problem or not.

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Yes it does sound like its coming from that area !

Is it a good idea to give it a pressure test ?

(stanbates) let me know the out come of the pump change,and how big a job it was. Did you pressure test yours ? Does anyone whats a healthy pressure ?

Cheers for replies !

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Mine is 123k with no work or chains. Its tappety but no more than that i hope!


Had a head gasket at 100k (£950 from vag)....exqueeze me?


Ill have a listen when i get home and let you know, mine prob will do it now i've read this thread!

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How much oil you guys using? Mine only seems to use a bit when reved hard and not that you would see out the back but it does go down the dip. Prob a litre every 1000 miles.

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Dont know mate, Ive only driven it 3 times, and dont want to as last time it was stupidly loud and dont want it to get that way again in case of damage.

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How much oil you guys using? Mine only seems to use a bit when reved hard and not that you would see out the back but it does go down the dip. Prob a litre every 1000 miles.


mine was using the same amount as oil,although it got better when i started using decent oil(shell helix)and im in the process of rebuilding my engine,once my engine hoist and engine stand arrive :)

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