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Big Moment on A24

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Coming back from the West Sussex Club GTi meet this afternoon, torrenntial rain so travelling at no more than 50mph


Hit a patch of standing water that I just did not see and before I knew it I was totally out of control, slewed about 90 degrees and then back before hitting the kerbin the outside lane.


Amazingly there was no damage, not even a scraped alloy - very, very lucky, honestly thought it was going to be a big smash

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Scary.. never had that happen and bloody wouldn't want to either by the sounds of it!


Glad you and the motor are ok mate :)

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Bugger me, that's a lucky escape!


Good tip if you hit standing water - don't do anything... wait til you have grip again and then start sorting it out and you should be ok (or at least less likely to die) :lol:

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I've only been out of control twice in a car as far as I can remember - both times in (different) Mk2 Golf GTI 8Vs. First time 270 degree spin on a bend and hit nothing, second time ended up upside down in a ditch. Same event, vastly different result.


Small factors can influence the outcome rather dramatically. I'm glad the factors were in your favour this time. Now go to your room and don't let it happen again!

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In my last C I hit some water on the M42 at about 60 mph in the fast lane.


Spun across all 3 lanes, went up the bank, around one of them little white posts with numbers on it (didnt touch it at all), and landed in the gravel facing the wrong wat!!! I scuffed two wheels and my front bumper, that was it.


I had my girlf in the car, and I shit myself!!!


Luckily it was about 10pm, and not much about. The police closed the whole motorway for about ten mins so I could get out of the gravel and get turned around.


About two mins later, a brand new beemer hit the water, and then the central reservation, there was gravel everywhere, and it was pissing down and dark, and peope were still flying past!!!


I was very lucky that night.

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glad to hear you and sarah are ok m8. it took me 3 hours to get home on a journey which usually takes 75 mins

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Dinks is right on that one ,let it do what it wants to do till ya get grip,except grab the steering wheel with all ya got !....had my Honda blade 90 degrees for over 100 yards at 70 mph when i hit a patch of ice a couple of years ago "god knows to this day how i stopped on".....glad your ok pal...scary stuff :angel:

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