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Ice White Socks

Stereo fitting help

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Hi Guys,


Am just planning the fitment of all the stuff I have ordered in the audioscape group buys recently- three questions-


1) Best place to mount the front cross-overs

2) Bearing in mind there is gonna be loads of cables running front-to-back- do I have to do two cable routings- I have some vague idea some cables interfere with each other- If so which ones run together (there will be amp power, head to amp phonos, amp to front speaker cables plus the autochanger lead)

3) do I need to put any deadening on the boot floor/ arch well sides around where the sub-box is fitted?


Any other nuggets of wisdom appreciated- I have fitted loads before so understand the basics- this will be the first 'hi-fi' one though so I don't want to miss owt!



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1) Passenger side one behind/on the side of the back of the glovebox with some sticky-back velcro

Driver side one behind the plastic trim under/behind the bonnet release handle


2) Ideally keep all three sets of wires as far apart from each other as you can, but certainly don't run your amp power near the phonos, you'll get lots of lovely noise.


3) Up to you, but I would :)


Kev's probably the man to ask for more specific stuff tho...

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Yeah just be careful when mounting the X overs as there are relays behind the glovebox and also behind the driver's side panels.....these introduce noise...even with the stereo at idle as we found out.


To avoid this, my passenger X overs are screwed to the inside of the glovebox and the driver's X overs - the woofer one is behind the kick panel and the tweeter one is mounted up high away from the fuseboard.


Wiring - I run the coaxes down the centre tunnel and the power leads down the passenger sill. Quality wiring won't create inductance loops, but cheap nasty RCAs should be kept WELL away from relays and power runs.


Sound deadening with Dynamat, sorry 'Supermat' from Audioscape (they keep telling me off for swearing - but Dynamat is now a generic term for deadening like Hoover is to vacuum cleaners) is optional but HIGHLY recommended.


I also recommend you bolt the sub to the rear quarter. There is a hole below the boot light apeture which we lined up to. The hole impression is cast into the back of the box, just needs drilling out.


Don't get dillusions of thinking velcro will hold it in place because it won't.

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