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Stealth Directions

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Can anyone give me a breif description of how to find stealth from the M40? Thought this would be easier than waisting there time on the phone.


I will be going A34 straight up to the M40 then I assume coming off at Southam but other than that I know nothing?




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If I were you I'd jump on the M1 and just keep going till you get to the Daventry turn off. Then follow the road all the way to Southam, it's dead easy.

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Easiest is A34 -> M40 to junction 11. Then follow signs for southam. You will drive past stealth just before you get to Southam itself.


Shortest is to come off Junction 12 - follow signs to southam again, but this way you have to navigate round the south side of the village, which is not necessarily so obvious, but even that's only a couple of roundabouts so isn't brain surgery.

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Be sure to raid the petrol station.. they do a good line in sandwiches and other suitably unhealthy snacks and drinks :)


And by raid I mean visit.. not sawn offs and ski masks type raiding ;)

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That Murco place is damned cheap for petrol too! It was 4p a litre cheaper than anywhere round here.

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give my baby a stroke for me....i miss her - green vr6 - with no engine

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That Murco place is damned cheap for petrol too! It was 4p a litre cheaper than anywhere round here.


It's sh1t fuel tho Dinkus... Vince once filled up a customers car there and found a loss of 20bhp on the rollers, must have been half a tank of water!

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Hope they managed to get your wishbones in the end Nick ... VW in their infinite wisdom apparently sent two LH 'bones ... Doh!

My VR was in fine form on the way home. I can thoroughly recommend Vince's 4-wheel alignment rig - it's transformed the feel of the car!

Oh and getting rid of the nasty, clunky seized track rods has to help too .. :)

Good news: VW now "only" charges £55 + VAT for VR6 track rods. Erm..

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How much is a 4 wheel alignment dr_mat? Think my Golf needs some attention in that area..

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Two hours labour, so £80+VAT. My cambers were out on the front, and the toe was one degree out too.

The car feels a whole lot more stable now.. A lot less "grabby"..

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