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corrado storm

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i'd love a storm but would have to be a third car :-(

a daily driver

a vr or g60 to fettle

a storm to look at (a keeper)

i like to try and improve/personalise aspects of a car eg the handling , performance , looks etc etc

with a storm your hands are tied , people who dont know c's dont realise how little difference there is between a storm and a VR6 and when you tell them they are always disappointed


a lot of hype but i'd still have one ,

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Its horses for courses mate. I'd personally love a Storm for the excusivity as well.. I couldn't give a crap if to all the purists its 'just a few badges' - its regarded as the end of run and its the one that everyone knows. Thats enough for me.


Unless you have a VR6 that came after the Storms! :-P :lol:

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at the end of the week..there's VERY few cars that can be bought as investments...if you were to buy a storm (( or any other raddo for that matter )) and dry store it for 20 years then maybe it might get you a few quid more than you paid for it ..but if you plan on driving the car at all then i cant see you making much money on it to be honest....just enjoy the car for what it is. :D


EDIT--that is unless you manage to buy a 53k storm for under £4k like was for sale recently :roll: ...then you could double your money in a day! :wink:

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Do you reckon I'd get a few bob back in 20 years if I dry store a Daewoo Espero 2.0 CDi? :lol:


Any C is cool, plain and simple and should be driven as you say oh villagey one. The amount of young kids I see turning round to look at what's making the engine noise and then gesture to eachother as it goes past them says a lot....and they're too young to remember them the first time round. It's just a fantastic car that has aged well, regardless of what it can and can't do compared to more modern cars.

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Its not the engine note they are commenting on Kev.. they're all laughing about the slightly noisy power steering pump you've got ;) :)


Mind you.. can't imagine you can even hear it now with the charger on!

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Its not the engine note they are commenting on Kev.. they're all laughing about the slightly noisy power steering pump you've got ;) :)



not forgetting his Nice gay violet colour scheme :D :D :D

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LOL, yep, she sure whines like a shagged alternator bearing..... but the chavs were noticing the engine note long before the charger went on though dude.


It's weird, I don't look for attention by burying the throttle at 20mph to invoke induction roar..... they just seem to turn round and look for some reason...and they ain't laughing as I go past...so......:-)


LOL @ you Rodders.... you leave my gay alone!

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Well, provided you don't modify it and you treat like a member of the family.. then its possible it will be valuable in a few years time. Problem is its hard to tell.. but of all the Corrado's (well, apart from the Campaign) it'll be be the most valuable as its one of the rarest :)


...being a bit of a newbie here myself, can i just butt in and ask what the Campaign model is/was??? :oops: ...i'll feel like a plank i know - but is this the 'final final' shelled cars that arrived after the Storm??

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but is this the 'final final' shelled cars that arrived after the Storm??


Nope. The last ones (last 25 UK destine) were in the main 8v's, two VR6's and one 16v. Nothing special about them other than the very last Corrado made was a VR6 Storm model, one only at this point, the other 499 being made between February & early May 1995.


Campaign was a special dealer reward car issued (6 off) for sales acheivements in 1992 for Karmann made cars. Never formally for sale. All VR6's but taken of the line early so have some odd differences like the early dash with slider heater controls rather than rotary heater controls. Had a unique to the build of the six of a brown leather interior including the dash covered in leather and matching leather steering wheel and carpeting.



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I just want to enjoy my Storm, I hate putting miles but you can't have everything. You say you have FVWSH... I did until the last service. If you have love your C I suggest you take it to a VW specailist that actually knows what a Corrado is, its a hard decision to take but you won't regret it.


In all honesty even if you got a Storm for £5k and it doubled in value in 10 years it is harldy a good investment. I think that the effect of inflation and the cost of keeping it running with T&T and basic service items (door handles etc ;-)) you'll not make a penny. However if you have a good C (any C) and its yours and you get enjoyment out of it then that will be priceless to you. Especially if it still working in 10 years :-) I do however like the thought that I have car that doesn't depreciate as fast as a new eurobox.


I think that the prices on Storms are still dropping too, even the low mileage minters.


If you want to make money from an investment, go and see your bank manager.

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