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so thats what a VR6 corrado sounds like

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so today I am sitting at work when my friend yells at me to go outside and check out the other corrado there, I say WHAT? (corrado's are rare in california because of regulations and whatnot), I run outside like a mother and what to my surprise a guy about 23 is getting into his VR6 corrado, I stop him and we chat corrado for about 20 mins, then he turned the engine over, he was as excited as I was while we were talking... I have NEVER EVER heard such a beautiful sound, EVER EVER EVER! need I remind you this is the first VR6 corrado I have EVER heard revved with a small exhaust system, I almost had a heart attack because it sounded so good... I cant even describe the sound, its like the sound you get from Gran turismo 3 when you buy a car on the game, kinda like a little slice of heaven...


VR6 corrado owners, I envy you, I really do.


if you want to see something funny read my thread in engine topics... ;-)

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Yep.. the note off that VR6 lump is something to behold. I absolutely love it.

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I've never heard one under load like that, in fact I've never been in a Corrado VR6....just listened to your chris and now I definately want one....not that I'll be able to satisfy my desire until the end of next year when I can afford it...:(

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the novelty is starting to wear off mine, but I do still like just blipping the throttle in 2nd gear and listening to it wind back down the revs, hmm, that inuction kit and exhasut would make those little boy racers jealous! LOL

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well having just changed it I can tell you the standard airbox is much much quieter, although theres still a little bit of a bark.

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chrishill: Would you be able to record the standard setup too? I've always wanted to know what it would sound like, not heard a standard one yet.

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well having just changed it I can tell you the standard airbox is much much quieter, although theres still a little bit of a bark.


Ooohhhhhhhh, I assumed that you changed it back to the original, but you just changed it to the K&N recently, gotcha. Ok, dont worry about it then :)

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the guy with the TT dash and the porsche wheels finally changed from his G60, thought u were up to something when you had a stock motor for PVW

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That sounded so much better when I remembered to turn my speakers on!!!


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