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C**TS !!

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Look what i woke up to this morning! little shits, i think i know who did it aswell, will be paying the little s**ts a visit today. i am not happy at all, i feel like breaking there legs, the police cant do anything cus there isnt any evidence so i will have to sort it!! anyone breaking a corrado with a late spec passenger side front wing and maybe a door by any chance?






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what a bunch of tossers.some cunt keyed my car not long ago for no reason

i hate wankers like this cos the money comes out of your pocket GRR

man i REALLY want you to find out who did this, thats pis*ed me off now seeing that

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mate i really feel for ya, i had a 72 beach buggy a couple of years ago and i went out in the morning to find that the roof had been slashed and the interior totally recked, but that is just plain idiotic, seriously don't let them get away with that you would be supprised how much the plod can turn a blind eye if you deffinately know it was them.....

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The thing is, is that i know who did it, well i have a very good idea, seeing as they caused damaged to my mates mk2 golf gti and a friends renault on the night of a party, they didnt like the fact we chucked them out for being 15 yr old under age drunken pains in the arse, so they kicked up a fuss, did the damage to the friends cars then mine last night, i was expecting them to come back maybe to rip an aerial of or somink but the damage on my car takes the piss, gunna cost me a fortune to get it fixed! spose it gives me an excuse to get a few other things done at the same time but i wasnt plannig on shelling out that sorta money this month! just to think i spent all day yesterday cleaning and polishing it for them to do that!

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i would never have done that when i was 15 what is wrong with people, thing is they think that is ok but what piss's me off even more, is they consider themselves man enough to do that but give em a good beating (which is perfectly justified) and they wouldd cry little girls and it would be considered out of order little pr**ks, feel for ya mate.

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Ah that really is crappy mate. The little turds just have no respect... :(


I can't help you with the wing, but I've got a ding-free passenger door with glass and window mech in Aqua Blue for £45 if you'd like it...

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Holy sh1t :shock:


Gutted for you - would go mental if this happened to mine :mad:


Best of luck getting it sorted

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Jesus.. i'd have been absolutely ballistic if that was my motor. Un-f*cking-believable.. and I know what you mean JT - I wouldnt have done stuff like that at any age to someone elses property.. at the end of the day we were bought up to understand and respect other people and their belongings.. clearly these scrapings from the sole of society have no such ideals..


Find them and kick their faces in.

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its been said above - the wnakers would cry like girls if they gat a slap for this - and if they do you'll end up with a big car bill and in court cos they'll go crying to the same coppers who were so helpful in assisting you in the first place...be careful how you handle the situation and don't go passing their details to any corrado fans or thugs you know

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i have decided i am gunna keep things pretty calm, just incase they decide to do anything again as they are fairly local, i think the best thing to do is go and have a little chat with them. there not worth waisting my time over. just got my quote from the bodyshop providing i get a new door and wing it will cost me £600 which includes the bonnet being done aswell.

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kids are out of control


and know they are "beyond" the law.



I found young "streetrats" actually jumping on my bonnet (not of my C thank the Lord) but even after Police intervention - they can't do anything.


I do not recomend retribution either - you'll get done on noncing charges.


It's a bitter pill


Time to bring back the strap/cane at schools methinks - and less rights for kids.

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thats facked.. Ive had my car hit twice & no fackers owned up.. !!


bummer knowing who the guys are who damaged it & not being able to break there facking legs!!

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I'm going to have to put my Moderators hat on here and and say USE violence, it's the only way they will learn, even if they we're caught on CCTV the Police would probably either not be bothered enough to get them or catch them and just release them the same day with a caution - this country drives me mad!

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Sorry to read this mate, really am. I feel gutted for you. I have experienced things like this happening. Not to my C, but to my mums car and its a horrible feeling. The thing i didnt have was an idea of who did it. I wish i did, cos the lads were more than willing to go round and introduce their baseball bats to the culprits' knees.


The thing is, i know where you are coming from when you say you dont want things to escalate, plus there is the fact that you are more likely to get into trouble with the law than they are. But definitley have a word with them, and tell them that you know they did it or something along those lines.


Again mate, truly sorry to read this. Hope it gets sorted soon.

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I ve got the little s**ts address, and i actually see them playing football in the park near my girlfriends house so its not as if they can run away, and another thing that really gets on my tits is that they know my girlfriends brother and know exactly who i am. my friends are gutted for me aswell they cant believe it, them themselves dont even want to leave their cars outside in that area now, these sorta people dont listen and i am afraid there are so many "kids" of that age who are exactly the same, i mean i am 21 and at 17 i wouldnt have dreamed to do something like that to a car let alone a Rado!! in all honestly it saddens me that they are the so called next generation.

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Yeah its worrying that they are the future of Britain isn't it.. most of them can barely string a fricking sentence together.


This country really needs to take a long hard look at what its becoming.

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still at least my bodyshop are willing to take the car in as soon as i ve got the parts so that should be tommorow morning so i may have it back in a week or so, which is a pain as i was going to take time of work next week to fit my big valve head and camshaft... that will have to go on hold untill i have a recuperated some of my funds...

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sorry to hear of this m8 :( :mad:


its happened to me countless times,and ive never caught them,even when theyre on cctv :mad: firing my mk2.



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Man I feel so much for you. Trouble is what do you do. Do nowt they think they're off scott free and laugh at you. 'Talk' to them and you still risk them kicking in every panel next night and still laughing at you.

I'm afraid a sudden unexplained accidental death is the only answer.

If I hear of a couple in the news then I'm sure you were at my house........

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i think just say you got them on cctv or something,use that as a scare tactic to try and get them frightened. but its been said before,its you who can end up in more trouble,man,dammit,ill go beat them up!

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Sorry to see that damage to such a nice,clean corrado,good luck sorting your ride and sorting the little people 1 by 1,over here in Rome some fu!@ing fireball nutter has been torching cars and scooters and motorbikes,250 cars from mid august till now were torched along with more than 100 assorted motorbikes,mopeds etc...,

the latest summer craze done by "socially deprived individuals"...

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