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Stupid Chav

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I look back at my youth when I owned Mini's, Cortina's and think yeah, good times but I certainly don't miss all the paying out I had to do to keep the feckers on the road.....hang on a minute.....

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im not that old, ive grown up with all these fecking corsas and festers etc. AND not ONCE have i wanted to do up a 1.1 pug 106 or a corsa. I feel sorry for them more then anything.

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I had an Allegro with Viper stripes on it and a Cherry bomb exhaust when I was 17, so I can't really comment, LOL!


I can't help feeling sorry for them and they're brave being seen in such nasty cars, I give em that...

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I had an Allegro with Viper stripes on it and a Cherry bomb exhaust when I was 17, so I can't really comment, LOL!


Thats one of the funniest things i've read in ages! :lol:


Sad to say that I did stick a pair of JBL 6x9's in my first car (205 Trio) and mated them to a Sony Minidisc headunit and 10 CD changer.. considering you could probably get into that car with virtually no force, i'm amazed it was never all stolen.

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Looking back, the All aggro was a complete embarrassment, but I loved it at the time.... I guess the chavs feel the same way? You would piss yourself if you saw some of the junk that Audioscape get in. There was a Saxo with the worst body kit you ever saw (poorly fitted) there recently, which had 8 exhausts. It was a real peice, but what gets me is the 17 year old that owned it spent £8K on the car (bought it already butchered) and then spent another £6K at Audioscape. FFS, where do they get the money from???

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alright then while we're confessing i owned a 1.816v clio with the usuall mods exhaust,induction,de-cat,a bit boy racerish maybe :oops: (least i had some power)

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What I do miss nowadays, due to it being so easy for the youngsters to buy brand new cars, is the plethora of real sh*te there once was on the roads! When I was a teenager a lot of the cars on the road were proper bangers, and people had a laugh doing them up, but it was still fun to see.


These days unless the 17 year old straps up a spanker, or gets his poor parents to be guarantors for a 5 year loan thats gonna be fecked in 3 months, they'll buy a reasonable car, spend 20K on it and it will thrash a fecking Porsche GT! :lol:


I do find the lack of teenagers bolting on bits of wood and perspex on their cars is a shame, how many youngsters now have a brand new car before they're 20 years old? Yeah I still enjoy seeing the many nutcases out there who have chucked all kinds of things on their car, but the majority of these are already nice/new cars to begin with. No fun or experience, no getting your Dad to help you spray your wheels or fill in the rust spots. It's all to easy these days and I don't think it's right somehow.

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can't say I've ever gone down the chav route really, although I did stick an ashley exhaust on my 205 1.9, I had an excuse that the orginial exhaust was blowing anyway, with the piper x filter, it sure as hell made some noise! LOL, way too noisy for my liking, anything over 3k was just verging on ridiculous. I also put one of those widget air valve things on (not the power boost valve) and it made another strange noise on top of all that! :lol:

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