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Sunroof fitting help

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Hi :D


My current sunroof tilts but doesn’t slide :lol: (You got to laugh) So ive bought another that’s been tested by the seller so I know it should work.


We've gone to fit it today and have had a few problems !!! Everything went really well taking the old one out and just reversed the order to put the new one in (swapped the metal panel over to the new mech) We had it all bolted up in to the roof and tested. It tilts fine but doesn’t slide :lol: I spoke to the guy I bought it from and he says that it must be absolutely correctly aligned and that its all explained in the Bentley manual which I dont have :lol:

Ive been back down to the garage (VW dealer where my brother works) and we’ve had another quick look and if you push the back of the sunroof down while pushing the button then it makes a loud clunk sound and slides back perfectly. But if you then push the button to bring it back it sounds like its rubbing on something and grinds to a stop about half way so you have to help it along til its back in position. Looking at it the new sunroof it does look like its a little lower down on the left hand side.


Also just remembered :lol: You have to push the button twice to make the roof fully tilt it stops half way which my old one didn’t do :roll:


So if anyone on here that’s fitted a new roof has some hints/tips please help us out OR if anyone could possibly scan and email me the Bentley pages that would be great.


Thanks J

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Sounds like the initial roof settings are off.


Set the leading edge of the roof to be 0.5mm lower than the roof line.


Set the trailing edge of the roof to be 1mm lower than roof line.


Also, when tilting, the motor needs to click stopped *before* the guides hit the stops (if fitted, early rooves don't have tilt stops).


If you still don't get a slide, try taking the rockers out (the little arms with plastic roller wheels) and see if it slides OK then.


The C roof is very fussy with settings, play about with it until it works!


I don't bother with motor personally (for sliding), I just use the manual crank handle, LOL!

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Also just remembered :lol: You have to push the button twice to make the roof fully tilt it stops half way which my old one didn’t do :roll:


That's because the motor is out of sync with the roof, the roof has to be in a specific position (exactly) and the motor needs to be operated so that it is in exactly the same position before its attached to the roof. Without doing it properly the roof could be at full tilt but the motor might think it's at half slide. The motor has limit switching and needs to be set correctly to match the physical limits of the roof itself.


For anyone reading, I am the seller of said roof. I've fitted several and know how finecky they are to get right. If you don't get the left and right guide plates perfectly alligned before the motor goes back in, then the roof will bind.


JBOB, I do have the bentley manual but have no means of scanning it, I'll see if the detail is the same on the Bentley CD I have somewhere and email it to you if possible.


I know this roof worked before I sent it, I wish you the best of luck fitting it but (and in the nicest possible way) I'm not responsible if your mechanic friends don't know the fitting procedure and have forced it etc. The stories of pushing and loud clunks make me twitchy I'm afraid. I genuinely hope it works out.

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If you don't get the left and right guide plates perfectly alligned before the motor goes back in, then the roof will bind.


Yep, takes a while to get it all setup perfectly.

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Bloody Corrados nothings ever simple :lol: Andy please dont feel that im saying that you sold me a dodgy part its probably just me doing it wrong :lol: When I say pushing and clunking There isn’t any real force put onto it. It was just my thumb that pushed it down and it sounded like the panel was just caught on something.


So the mech just bolts on and its the motor and the panel that need to be adjusted. Ive got the day off work now so ill see if I can sort it :lol:

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I found this thread quite helpful when I was fitting mine...


http://www.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewto ... 43&start=0


TBH though they are a complete arse and I've just bought another Corrado that needs a roof. Not looking forward to fitting this one!


Remove the roof panel when trying to get the motor in sync, it makes it a lot easier.

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Andy please dont feel that im saying that you sold me a dodgy part its probably just me doing it wrong :lol: When I say pushing and clunking There isn’t any real force put onto it. It was just my thumb that pushed it down and it sounded like the panel was just caught on something.

I know that mate, it was sold to me as working, I've had it working. You were talking about refunds earlier thats all, I'm just saying that its obvious your 7 VW mechanic mates won't have helped matters by the sounds of it. Funnily enough it came from your town, Huddersfield. I wish I'd never seen the thing!

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Its working 8) 8) 8)


I didn’t have much chance to look at it today so I just lowered one side raised the other and made sure that the motor was in the right place and it very slowly worked :lol: Ive greased it all up :roll: and its getting smoother :D


Dont I feel like an idiot now :lol: I just assumed that it would just swap over but forgot that its a Corrado and nothing is simple.


One problem Ive found it that the two silver arms that hold the trim up when on tilt are missing/snapped off. Did you notice them when you sent it Andy id doubt it was done in transit and it was packed very well :D Can you replace these (my old mech as them on) or do I just have to put up with it.


Also its a very good job that the cars going in for a respray over the winter, just look at the state of my paint :(

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Glad to hear it JBOB! Ref the clips I honestly don't know mate, I'd be pretty surprised if you cant swap it over from your old one though. Someones bound to know. White grease is whats recomended by the way, I've used normal grease before with no problems but I can well imagine white grease doing a better job and lasting longer. :-)

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