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Just spent

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:shock: ...


on nothing more than fully comp. insurance with agreed valuation on my Rado with HIC ... feeling a bit sick now ...



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Feckin hell... you're an old man too! :D :D


Did you give Brentacre a call?

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I moved 10 miles down the road and my insurance went up just over 100 quid!!


What really made me sick was my housemates only went up a tenner on his MK2 GTi!!

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.. I got a £450 refund on my insurance when I traded the C for a 1.4 golf. LOL. Then I moved from London to Oxford and got another £120 refund! :crazyeyes:

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I am 29 next week and mine was £470 this year with full protected NCB and I have just moved to a nice part of Plymouth (contradiction in terms??).


They chucked on an "insurance premium" tax this year :roll:

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I was paying about £2000 on my Corrado 16v TPFT when I first got it but I was 21 and had a year or so's no claims.. in contrast got my G60 insured fully comp with protected no claims, all mods declared for about £700 :)


Reckon I can get VR insurance for about £550 should I return to ownership next year if I shop around.

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£920 with HIC. Brentacre quoted £200 cheaper but no agreed value and they only pay out for the secondhand value of the mods not new replacement like HIC. Lowest price isn't always the best.

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I was quoted £800 TPFT with Adrian Flux (Ensign) and £520 Full Comp with Performance direct (Chaucer). Which one do you think I went with :lol:

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Tempest yours is expensive because its a left hooker, its amazing the amount extra insurance companies want from you for an import!

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pfftt...im bloody paying £2702 Shocked lol


Dedication or insanity. :lol:


It takes me 5 years to spend that on insurance these days and thats for all the cars I own.


At 19 it 'only' cost me 575 fully comp for my XR3. I am still waiting for that big drop at, 21, 25, 30 which never seems to arrive.


Its still a monster ripoff.



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Just renewed my premium with Direct line - only cost 420 squids! (fully comp with protected no claims)....not bad i thought considering it's been chipped and lowered.

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Just insured my TDi with HIC - £230 Fully Comp, can drive other cars, 10k miles a year and track insurance included!


Whats best is that they include a form for the agreed value which you fill out and as long as they approve they just charge an extra £15 admin fee...

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veeDuB_Rado, don't know who your insurer is and you've probably got one that covers everything i.e alloys etc. But being young aswell i recommend trying 'quoteline direct'. Just try it online and i can almost garantee it will be cheaper.

Just thought i'd mention it anyway.

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