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Please read if you have a VWM VSR Manifold

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I have just bought a second-hand VWMotorsport VSR manifold. One of the rare original ones, only 500 made.


Unfortunately it doesn't have the flap assembly on it, i.e the plate, spindle & flap that separates the plenum below 4000rpm


I have found a couple of machine shops (one through Designa Dubs, the other through Stealth) that are willing to have a go at fabricating one up, but there's no template for such a rare item, so they need to take measurements from an existing one.


So far, this is my problem and no-one else's. Then I read these two threads on this forum:


http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... hlight=vsr


http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... hlight=vsr



It seems this part is prone to failure. Perhaps not surprising seeing as these manifolds are getting pretty old now and it's a moving part that spends its life being bombarded with high velocity air...


Failure involves chunks of metal passing into the cylinder bores, messing up pistons, valves and... ...well, the pictures in the first thread speak for themselves....


There is no source for spare parts for the VSR manifold. The flap assembly from a Schrick VGI does not work with the VSR.


Apart from the engine damage, a failure will put another (already rare) VSR manifold out of commission and devalue it for it's owner.


Those of you with an operational VSR might want take this opportunity to get a brand new flap asembly made up to extend the life of your manifolds and give some peace of mind.


We can get a few of them made up. Any that we don't use ourselves can be sold to American owners, probably for very good money.


All that's needed is for one kind soul to lend their manifold to Designa or Stealth for a week or so, so that the part can be copied.


Over to you, guys....

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It wouldn't be the one you got on eBay for £350 would it? :)


It was indeed. I just fancied a bit of an engineering challenge!!!


£350 sounds cheap, but by the time I get it working I reckon it will cost about the same as a new Schrick, but you can't put a price on rarity! I'm hoping it will be the World's only Golf Cabrio fitted with one.

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Good thinking, Kevhaywire.


According to posts I've read on Vortex he quite often gets hold of complete VSRs. Even if he doesn't have spares in stock, he may be able to get us the measurements that the machine shop needs.


I'll PM and direct him at this thread.....

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It wouldn't be the one you got on eBay for £350 would it? :)


It was indeed. I just fancied a bit of an engineering challenge!!!


£350 sounds cheap, but by the time I get it working I reckon it will cost about the same as a new Schrick, but you can't put a price on rarity! I'm hoping it will be the World's only Golf Cabrio fitted with one.


Sadly theres already a mk3 VR6 with one fitted in germany. It was in the Golf about 2 years ago. Pretty sure you'd be the first in the UK tho'

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I'd love to get a look at the German Cabrio with the VSR. What issue of "The Golf" was it in? Will have to order a back-issue!


The manifold arrived today and it looks in good shape, nice & clean. Pictures on eBay didn't do it justice. The cover plate (the bit with "VW Motorsport VSR" on it) is indeed missing, but it's got the Pierburg logo cast into it, so people will still be able to see what it is!!


I've heard about another VSR flap failure, this time with the flap breaking free of it's spindle. Fortunately, no engine damage in this case.


In response to the queries I've had, I am going over to Stealth this Saturday to get some info on the fabrication of replacement flaps, i.e. likely prices and what materials will be used.


If anyone needs any other info, please either PM me or post to this thread and I'll ensure your questions are put forward!!

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I have a vsr sitting around doing nothing at the moment. It's in Holland though and I don't fancy sending it back to the UK tbh.


I was planning to take it apart to check the state of the shaft/flap too, but just have not had the time as of yet. Also, the flap mech. was checked/serviced by Stealth last year sometime and hasn't been used much since.


I can take the flap and spindle out and draw some accurate diagrams with measurements and post 'em up if you like?


From what I've heard though it's very rare that they break. Trev's for example has been on his car from new I believe and hence had a long, hard life. The only other failure I've heard of is on a supercharged VR.



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I was planning to take it apart to check the state of the shaft/flap too, but just have not had the time as of yet. Also, the flap mech. was checked/serviced by Stealth last year sometime and hasn't been used much since.


I can take the flap and spindle out and draw some accurate diagrams with measurements and post 'em up if you like?




That would be fantastic. Perhaps there is someone that you could take it to in Holland who could model it in AutoCAD? We can sort something out regarding costs.

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Sorry for the delayed response.


Not sure about modelling with Autocad etc. as I haven't even had the time to fit the VSR to my VR yet, and I have no idea of what sort of companies would do such a job to start with?


To be honest I doubt I will get the time over the next few months to sort this out. If you can find another VSR owner in the UK that hasn't had the VSR fitted I think that will be your quickest route, as I doubt you'll be able to persuade anyone with one fitted to remove and take it apart just to model the flap itself, which is probably in A1 condition anyhow.


I am desperate to get the VSR on my car too, so when I do eventually get a few free hours over a weekend I WILL be sticking it on my car.


I can take the flap out, trace round it and send the pic. to you if you like, or you are always welcome to pop over and draw it for yourself !?



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To be honest I doubt I will get the time over the next few months to sort this out. If you can find another VSR owner in the UK that hasn't had the VSR fitted I think that will be your quickest route, as I doubt you'll be able to persuade anyone with one fitted to remove and take it apart just to model the flap itself, which is probably in A1 condition anyhow.



No I wouldn't expect anyone to pull their manifold apart if it is working OK!!


Put simply, the deal is this:

If anyone experiences a flap failure on their VSR, they should get in touch with me first. Co-operating with me means that they can get a brand new replacement flap mechanism for less than what it would cost them to get the old one repaired.

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Against all the odds, Vince at Stealth was able to get the manifold working, thanks mainly to Steve (Alfie Noakes) who kindly allowed the flap mechanism on his VSR to be copied by Stealth's fabrication people while his 'rado was in having other work done.


Thanks to this, Stealth now have a pattern for building these flap mechanisms so if any of you are concerned about the condition of your VSR's internals, they will be able to sort you out.


Many thanks also to Mike (mgbv8mike) and Trev (TREVR6) for their offers of help with this project.






For me, the story didn't end that happily though. While attempting to remap the ECU for the manifold, Vince discovered some pretty terminal problems with my engine, including knackered chain tensioners & valve seats. Should have chosen my VR6 engine more carefully, I guess. I've decided to sell the VSR, cams and other tuning bits I've put on the VR6 to help finance a 24v engine swap.

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antera309, thats good to know but I see your selling it on eBay now?


Nice bit of kit these, me and a mate fitted DutchVR6's old one last weekend then he took it up to Vince to sort the wiring etc

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Ah, so Gazman has the VSR on now. Is it all working and why did it need to go to stealth? Has he not used the chip Asim sent?



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Yes, superchaged, my engine needs the chains done and £1500 worth of head work. The manifold is being sold to finance this work. It's a shame because I was going to get the VSR chrome plated and it would have looked seriously trick, but the finances for this project aren't a bottomless pit, unfortunately.

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DutchVR6, yeah, we were going to test the chip first but he couldn't get the ECU screws undone, rang Vince and he said to fir the manifold then just take it to him to finish off as we didn't have the connector etc needed and Vince has the experience...


We fitted it (easy) and he drove it to Stealth on tues for the wiring and vac unit to be sorted, the flap stuck the first time but after that it was good, all 4 screws on the ECU sheared - only on a Corrado eh?

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Good news that it's finally on and working though.


I'm very interested to see the plot of his car having seen what it did on Asims, and especially as I didn't get around to fitting it myself :(



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It's similar, yes.

I thought that since the seller's id was antera309 it might actually be the same one. :D

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