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It is worth getting the underneath of my car waxoyled ? Just had a quote for £50 to get it done.




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yup, as far as anti-road salt/corrosion treatments go, it's a good one and well worth doing if you value your car... 8)

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Thanks, may get this done then providing nothing major comes up at the service!

just make sure any drain holes that should be clear are kept clear, don't want waxoil keeping the moisture in

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Its worth paying that because:

1 - Waxoyl is effective - it has stood the test of time

2 - It is realy messy doing it yourself under the car - gravity likes to try and get as much of the stuff onto you rather than the car.

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I use waxoyl. It's fine and does the job but once on, it needs to be reapplied about every two or three years as it dries out like mud and falls off.


It's OK on inside cavities but wheel arches and underside, regular application as above is required.


In hard hit areas I use a product call Supertrol 001 which seals well and remains adhered wet continuously hit by water spray such as the wheel arches or front wish bones. It's a bit like oily grease, never really sets over the years. Not at Halfords but some motor factors.


http://www.frogwell.com/rangerover/page03.html as an example.



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yeah, I'm with you there RW1... When I worked in a garage we used to use a 50/50 mix of Waxoyl and Shutz... Stayed nice and flexible without ever drying up but putting it on was, as craigowl points out, somewhat messy... :|

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For the underneath I use the black waxoyl with a big brush and it lasts years!


Top tip for that stuff is lead the lid off for 3 days prior to application (stirring occasionally) and keep it away from heat (radiators etc). Then it dries out slightly and goes on thickly like tar. Otherwise it's too thin and gloopy when you start brushing it on, fresh from the tin..... and then you'll need a white spirits hair wash afterwards!

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To be overbrushed or lightly sprayed every 12 months to keep it from drying out :wink:



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Its worth paying that because:

1 - Waxoyl is effective - it has stood the test of time

2 - It is realy messy doing it yourself under the car - gravity likes to try and get as much of the stuff onto you rather than the car.


or you could just put your car on its roof and then it wouldnt drip on you!!! :wink: :oops:

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