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Dr Forinor

My Classic Green Storm (BIG updated list on page 3)

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vag hag, do you have a neuspeed arb, if not then dont bother looking as you cant change it otherwise.


Dr Fornier, was the difference that much then, what size you got on, mines the 25mm, been thinking for a while to change it to the stiffest setting but never got round to it.

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@simon - can do mate - next time i come up that way then i'll be in touch to arraneg something. hows the car progress?


@nadeem - i know i know - working in london swallows up a lot of time nowadays - everythings going v well though and still working on the corrado :) was at stealth quite recently too so we probably missed each other by a week or two. should meet up in the new year?

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Dr Fornier, was the difference that much then, what size you got on, mines the 25mm, been thinking for a while to change it to the stiffest setting but never got round to it.


I have the Neuspeed 25mm aswell mate, and yeh, hell yeh, made a HUGE difference I feel, cant believe I didnt put it onto the stiffest setting to start off with, the car feels much more neutral and more balanced, and also makes the front end more pointy and precise and strangely "less nose heavy", HIGHLY recommended :D :D :D


@nadeem - i know i know - working in london swallows up a lot of time nowadays - everythings going v well though and still working on the corrado :) was at stealth quite recently too so we probably missed each other by a week or two. should meet up in the new year?


I'll be leaving Manch around Xmas time mate, will be back up in dundee new years... any other suggestions?

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I'll be in Malaysia in less than 2 weeks ;) so new year is best. A drive round some of Wales once all the work is done?

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I'll be in Malaysia in less than 2 weeks ;) so new year is best. A drive round some of Wales once all the work is done?


Same here! when/where are you going? KL presumably? Sorry, off-topic! Impressive spec there Nadeem, car looks very nice too on the previous page.

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I often wondered the same on the ARB, was worried about too much oversteer i think, what size you got on the front then as i went 25mm on that too so wish i had gone 28 on the rear.


Leon mate i wish i had your jet set lifestyle, must be good. Let us know when your passing again, might be going to London next year as well so might have to visit the posh suburbs of Richmond.

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_leon_: Yeh I would be up for that mate, just keep in touch eh


fla: Cheers mate, been on the cards for a LONG time coming...


junkie: I actually dont have an ARB on the front, didnt bother with that just yet, but might do when i get the charger on and then upgrade the rear to a 28mm, so basically my setup right now is just the standard front ARB and the 25mm rear ARB. I was afraid of the oversteering too, but you get used to it and learn how to drive that setup :)

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@fla - from the 17th till 3rd jan - my partners from ipoh in malaysia so going back to stay there, KL for a few days and Pinang for some more lazing around :) whats your plans there?


@junkie - do that give me a bell if youre down here or likewise


@nadeem - it has been a while but worth it when its done - am positive youll love the end result. interesting about the arbs - i tried the g60 with the rear first, then the front and rear and preferred the combination fitted. will likely try that out again in the same order. how do you a) find the schrick and b) the diff? not fancy the 3.68 FD? Quality car - great work :)

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_leon_: The schrick is awesome, makes the car SO much more urgent, I dont mean turbo/super charged style, but its just not lazy power anymore. You dont have to plant it to get the car to move, much better around town, and the howl just after 3k is amazing, love it.


The diff, is brilliant! Takes a lot of getting used to and a helluva lot of confidence to trust that it will work and do what its supposed to do cos it only kicks in after it detects loss of traction, which is scary if you're doing some speed. Still havent mastered it yet but getting there. Seriously, LOVE the car even more now :D :D :D


Not thought about the 3.68FD yet, I need someone to sit me down and go over with me what the hell that means. I know its final drive, but the 3.68 means absolutely diddly-squat to me and I havent a clue how that will affect the performance, need to do a little reading/bugging someone....

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The final drive change will make your gears shorter which will give less of a lazy cruiser and more punch and acceleration.

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