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What's this noise, sound like crickets in American films.

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Horrible squeaky whistle that sounds just like crickets on Yankee films at night, and it's coming from my vr engine bay :x Now the thing is it goes away as soon as you touch the clutch pedal, so I thought it was a clear cut clutch bearing problem, but no after changing that on Saturday imagine my disappointment to find the noise was there still, just the dam same :p Gonna try changing the gear oil, and see if that does anything just wondered if anyone had any other ideas or similar experiences, cos I'm a bit stumped!

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Right changed the gear oil which made sod all difference, but then I didn't think it would, but I just had to rule it out. Fairly sure the noise is coming from the gear box, it's definitely the gear box side and as I say it goes away with the slightest press of the clutch pedal.

Any one know much about vr boxes or know someone that does, cos this noise is driving me crackers and it's getting worse :p Is there a prone bearing for knackering or any other known weakness, it's done about 125k so would have thought it should be OK, don't hear much about vw boxes giving up, it's not like it's a Rover now is it?

Could do with some input please guys,





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Before you go off and loose more dosh.


I'm assuming this is noticeable at idle with the bonnet up?


Take a length of flexible tubing (about 2 - 3 cm diameter) and listen around the engine bay until you can locate it more precisely. Seems that you've got too much "other" noise to make it easy to find. (No loose clothing while doing this, moving belts and all that :) ).


I have doubts about it being the gearbox. More like something in that area just rattling on something else. The gearboxes aren't that bad at 125k



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Air leak in some of the vacum hosing?

Water pumps can make exactly this noise but wrong side of the bay!

Timing chains!?


Sorry im not much help but those are the ones i can think of, well the ones mine makes anyhoo!

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What you are explaining is EXACTLY the noise I had on my C, it started making a slight whistling noise a few years back and gradually got worse. If I depressed the clutch pedal very slowly the "chirping" would quicken slightly and then disappear altogether. I've had my clutch renewed 6 months back which has obviously sorted the problem. The culprit was indeed the release bearing, which you said you have changed, did you lubricate the bearings sufficiently around the release lever contact area and also the guide sleeve? Could possibly be a faulty part, it does happen.

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Yea it was lubed up properly, ooh er! Thought it could be a faulty gsf bearing but the noise is EXACTLY the same as it was with the old bearing, whats the chances of two bearings one old, one new making exacly the same noise, possible I guess especialy on a Corrado!!!! Mite have to try getting a brg from VW, see if that sorts it but to be homest I'm a bit scepticle!

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I have doubts about it being the gearbox. More like something in that area just rattling on something else. The gearboxes aren't that bad at 125k




The Layshaft bearing can wear out way before that mileage. It sounds like a loud rattling at idle, which also goes when depressing the clutch pedal. VW boxes can go on for years like that though, it's more an irritation than a major problem. If the output shaft bearing goes (not common) then it can lead to bad juddering issues.


Trev, did you replace the clutch when did the bearing? Don't tell me you dropped the gearbox and only replaced the bearing!!? It's usually preferable to replace the friction disc, pressure plate and bearing as one unit so that they all wear uniformly together.

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Trev, did you replace the clutch when did the bearing? Don't tell me you dropped the gearbox and only replaced the bearing!!? It's usually preferable to replace the friction disc, pressure plate and bearing as one unit so that they all wear uniformly together.


Yea just the bearing changed as the clutch is only a couple of years old, so was the old bearing so it shouldn't have been goosed and it now looks like it was ok all along, just the symptoms pointed to the brg. Mite have to drop the box again, for a better look at the clutch flywheel, shafts etc, getting good at changing vr6 boxes now tho :roll:

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I have also developed crickets in my engine bay over the weekend. Can't believe just how like crickets this sound is, but anyhow have located the source to be the serp. belt tensioner.


New one on order and hopefully the crickets move out.


I'm hoping it doesn't seise on my 130 km trip to work today and tomrrow though - what are the chances of this and much damage if it does?



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If it's your belt tensioner then you can get hold of new bearing for about £7 that you can swap into the pulley, rather than buying a whole new (expensive!! - £70ish) tensioner unit from VAG.

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You can?


I haven't actually ordered the new tensioner yet, was going to bell them shortly.


How and where can I get this bearing you speak off then Dinkus??



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Found this after searching:


"VR belts shouldn't screech at all, not even when drenched going through a puddle. Sounds like the tensioner springs have gone weak, which is quite common. Replacing the pulley bearing is all well and good but eventually you will have to replace the complete tensioner aswell. (from Mr. HayWire himself)"


Think I'll just replace the whole thing to be sure.

Cheers anyhow...



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Yeah I was going to say if the tensioner is the original one, it's probably better to replace the whole lot and benefit from fresh tensioning springs aswell...but you quoted me already :-)

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My thoughts exactly 8)


On a different note Kev, I'm going to be in Manningtree over the coming weekend and wouldn't mind meeting up briefly if time will allow?


Would be nice to finally put a face to one of the many names that have provided so much excellent advice this year (and very interested in hearing your C! :) )



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Excellent, 2 faces in one day, and 2 mods too! :)


Sunday would be better with me as it goes - got a friends wedding to attend Sat. afternoon.


Will PM later in the week then to arrange...



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Sounds like a plan :)


We're gonna be replacing my radiator during the day and unfortunately I've gotta come back home for dinner with me grandparents in the evening, but lunch at the pub is certainly do-able :)

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