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cheap corrado vr6 'highline'

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Can I just ask about the heater matrix quickly......

Just checked my car again - no windows misted up at all now. Heater comes on nice and hot very quickly. Does that still sound like the matrix?

Could it be something to do with having been standing for a month or so?

Finally, could it be anything to do with the air-con? I used to have a ford focus (i know, kill me, i was married once!) with air-con and that used to mist up at random times ocassionally...

Lol, can't believe the difference between a 1.6 focus and my vr rado!!!

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Went back to the car after an hour and the windows were misted up. A leak?

If the car has been stood a while, ie. on the car sales patch, it's not unusual. It needs airing a little.


Heater sounds fine. Give a few days before you start to worry. Things may just dry out by Monday.



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Yeah it's wierd.

Absolutely bone dry now.

I'm not worried though - I'm takin this one to the grave whatever happens.

Totally in love....

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I'm takin this one to the grave whatever happens.


Good man!


Yeah, just drive round with the sunroof tilted for a bit to 'air' the car...

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double-6s,welcome mate


u married or have a girlfriend???


cos my misses says `thats the last you`ll see of her now..... car , forum , mates/beer then the misses.... that s the way it goes`






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thanks mate.

i WAS married. the end of that enabled me to buy my 1st VR (golf)! oops....

and against all odds, me new bird loves VR's, going fast, corners, etc (unlike the ex)!

by the way, what does the TA in Koni TA stand for mate?

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yeah, i found that with the golf vr!

but this car is fooken lovely. don't need to change much at all.

did anyone see that supercharged rado vr on ebay? any thoughts? i nearly went to see it (was a left hooker)

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Hi diddleee dee, guess wot its me.. i'm the man that can when it comes too sellin ya a car... now lets get a few thing straight... i sold the corrado in question to the nice yung mannnn' yesterday, and i'm gunna put u Corrado freaks'a'nature in the picture....

1st, the reason the car was steamy inside, woz the night before, me and my gorJJus valetor, had rampent sex in the back, then we valeted it, hence if the sun was shining, there may be a little steaming up... its quite simple really, as a long established used car retailer, i've learnt that if u wish to sell something, i.e. the guy who questioned my description as a 'Hi-Lne' would like to sell his wife, he would stick her in the bath, scrub her up, dry it, and stick a load of slap on her mush.... rather than just posting a picture of her, after, the previous owner had been smashing her in and thrashing her about the night before then draggin her out of bed, wet and smelly and advertising her like that... wot would sell better, clean and fresh, with a hint of make-up, or an old slapper thats minging....... need say no more.... the guy that bought it, very nice gentleman indeed, has, and he knows this, bought a very good, clean car, that, appears to be very sought after, and i wish him many, many years of happy accelerating, at gr8 speed, leavin the rest behind, motoring...



i've got another, the same, but no a/c or leather, still black, vr6 2.9... not F***ing Hi-Line..... scuse french.... dun 135,000 with history... only cheaper.. on my forecourt at £2995, this comes with all the love u'llneed for 12 months, or private for £2350....as seen...but with a 3 month warranty, through a 3rd party..... contact me if u would like a nice 'chea'p' 2 buy, maybe not 2 run and insure, corroda on -2392 200751, ask for me... half a day...leeeeeeeee otherwise known as bonecrusher smith...or steve 2 his friends and potential customers xxxxxxx

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r4daylee, you pissed mate??


no need for that tone, tis a friendly place here if you gen got a corrado interest then get involved


chill mate 8)



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jeezz that r4 bloke seems abit :drinking: :cuckoo:


double-6 happy motoring


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Hi diddleee dee, guess wot its me.. i'm the man that can when it comes too sellin ya a car... now lets get a few thing straight... i sold the corrado in question to the nice yung mannnn' yesterday, and i'm gunna put u Corrado freaks'a'nature in the picture....

1st, the reason the car was steamy inside, woz the night before, me and my gorJJus valetor, had rampent sex in the back, then we valeted it, hence if the sun was shining, there may be a little steaming up... its quite simple really, as a long established used car retailer, i've learnt that if u wish to sell something, i.e. the guy who questioned my description as a 'Hi-Lne' would like to sell his wife, he would stick her in the bath, scrub her up, dry it, and stick a load of slap on her mush.... rather than just posting a picture of her, after, the previous owner had been smashing her in and thrashing her about the night before then draggin her out of bed, wet and smelly and advertising her like that... wot would sell better, clean and fresh, with a hint of make-up, or an old slapper thats minging....... need say no more.... the guy that bought it, very nice gentleman indeed, has, and he knows this, bought a very good, clean car, that, appears to be very sought after, and i wish him many, many years of happy accelerating, at gr8 speed, leavin the rest behind, motoring...



i've got another, the same, but no a/c or leather, still black, vr6 2.9... not F***ing Hi-Line..... scuse french.... dun 135,000 with history... only cheaper.. on my forecourt at £2995, this comes with all the love u'llneed for 12 months, or private for £2350....as seen...but with a 3 month warranty, through a 3rd party..... contact me if u would like a nice 'chea'p' 2 buy, maybe not 2 run and insure, corroda on -2392 200751, ask for me... half a day...leeeeeeeee otherwise known as bonecrusher smith...or steve 2 his friends and potential customers xxxxxxx


I think that's the most bizarre post I've read in a long time :lol:


You're more than welcome to use the 'Cars for Sale' forum if you want to advertise those other 2 Corrados that you've got for sale in a bit more detail - it should get you a bit more exposure too :)

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hey all.

turns out the misting up of my new motor was largely due to the air-con being set on 'recirculate'. I looked in the manual, and sure enough it described the exact symptoms i had. If its been on recirculate for a while it can mist up after the engine is stopped.

Been out in her all day and have only good things to say!

Saw a lovely blue 'charger' on the A27 - was it any of you????

hey r4daylee - cheers for the lovely car mate!

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i'm smitten by the way - haven't laughed so much in ages as watching my mate trying to keep up round the twisties in my golf vr6!

the difference in handling is amazing ........

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There's no doubting that the c is a very fine handling car, I'm still experimenting to find out where the limits of traction are and it's a lot of fun finding out. :)

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i began to find the limits this afternoon!

can't tell you how nice it is to be able to provoke the a**e end out after driving a golf vr for a year!

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My problem is I have more speed humps negotiate than fast sweeping bends to try it out on. Must get out of London more.

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