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Tornado red

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Ive just started spraying my rado tornado red.When i popped the lid off the tin,i was expecting a bright red,but this colour is rather dark :roll:

When i see a red rado,is it likely to be tornado red? is this colour common or have i choose the wrong shade?

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I was looking at this badboy earlier, what red is it?...I hate to say it but red is one of the two raddo colours i really don't like, but this looks cool...I'm liking the rear lights too

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LOL..im not sure what it is, there's a few red ones around that look awsome, I think there's a top notch one in the USA aswell, it's weird cos I hate any body kits etc on any other colour raddo, but on reds it can look great.

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There seems to be about 7 different shades of VW Tornado red too - when I was repainting my passenger door, I decided to give it a try myself, and found that when I went to buy a tin of paint from the local paint shop place, I had more choice than I was expecting. Ended up bringing the door into the shop with me so that I could compare with the tins :lol:

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i have two mates with red C's, one tornado [91], one flash [94]


Tornado looks true red.. but quickly fades to pink

Flash looks kinda orangey! like in g60greeny's pic

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Thats cool then,the pics of tornado red cars actually look nice so il be pleased when mines finished! liking the rieger kitted one alot!

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