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Clanger VR6 (when cold)

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Hello guys,


When my VR is cold I have these strange squealing/squeaking noises coming from the lump, it sounds like the automotive equivelant of an episode of the Clangers. Anyhow, this disapears after 10 or so minutes of driving.


Should I be worried about this?


Does anyone else have silly animated mice installed in their VR?

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Can you give us a clue about where, more precisely, the noise is coming from?? Could it be a slipping belt, a noisy water pump, alternator, PAS pump, belt tensioner bearing, aircon compressor????


Best wishes



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Hmmm. This story sounds familiar!!

Yes, someone said the exact same thing a few days ago!!

Most likely it's the aux belt tensioner bearings. They don't like the cold.

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I think the aux belt has been replaced, water pump has been changed, not sure about the chains/tensioners. It's on 110k at the mo, but runs fine (touch wood). Not sure where the noise is coming from.


It doesn't bother me too much, just a bit embarrasing at times.

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Well, if it's the belt tensioner bearing it will fail eventually and then sieze solid and then shred the belt, maybe on a rain-swept country road in the middle of the night.......


Best wishes



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belt tensioner bearings can be changed, there was a how-to knocking about on a website somewhere, if you cant be ar**d though I've got a VR tensioner for sale at the moment which was working fine til i took it off and put a polished one on in its place, think I only wanted about £25 for it...

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They can be replaced yes, but you have to be careful with the pulley, which is a little fragile after 10 years of temp cycling.

Brand new ones are (only!) £60 from the dealer.

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Ive got that noise too but didnt know how the hell to explain it on here!

Looks like ill be getting it checked out too then,


What would be a rough estimate of a garage bill for replacing the belt tensioner?



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It takes about 10 minutes to replace the aux. belt tensioner, and that's for an incompetent mechanic like myself :wink:


The cost of the tensioner itself was about 80 euro's if I remember correctly.


It killed my crickets 8)



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Is this the part that near the airbox with a cover that has 3 13mm bolts on it?

What do you do when the covers off?


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ok taken it off,it aint a cover,it just comes off!

but is this the rite part as described above?

mines making a high pitched whistling noise?!

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Yes, it's the part by the airbox that's held on by the 3 13mm bolts.


Did you release the tension in it by inserting an m8 bolt into the hole you can see facing up towards the fuel rail before you removed. Not neccesary I guess but it will be to get it back on. You need to screw the bolt in a fair way too.


It sounds like the bearing in yours has gone. I'd stick a new one on if I were you, you can replace the bearing on it's own, but it's fiddly and you won't benefit from a new, tighter spring either. I'd stick a new belt on too while you at it.



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Yes, there's a few horror stories of the tensioner bearing seizing and the belt being shredded or burned or something bad ...

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Ahh thot there must've been a tensioner bolt sumwere,just managed to get it back on!

Rite perfect,thats all i needed to know! thanks guys!

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