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Bus driver jailed for five years - is it fair!!!

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22 seconds on the gass, something not right there imo! Thats one hell of a long time to accidentaly hit the wrong pedal.


Horrific accident and very upsetting, but pedal confussion looks to be an odd excuse, can't imagine the real reason though??

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i suppose no one knows how they'd react having just run a couple of people over, maybe he slipped into shock, I think if i did it I'd probably go all rabbit-in-headlights. :crazyeyes:

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i suppose no one knows how they'd react having just run a couple of people over, maybe he slipped into shock, I know if i did it I'd probably go all rabbit-in-headlights. :crazyeyes:


exactly!!shock affects people in different ways

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Actually i've just remembered something that backs this up! Was walking to college one day and heard an ambulance coming down the dual carriage way which was qued solid up to the point where i was. A girl in a 205 was driving towards the que quite slowly with the ambulance bearing down but slowing behind her. I saw her swerve, wave both her arms in the air (bit like the warning signal in team america) and then she slammed nailed the gas and absolutely mulered into the back of one of the stationairy cars.


It was'nt a quick thing, she had plenty of time to calmly stop but panick changed all that and made her do something insane instead.

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Difficult to judge?

He kept his foot on the throttle for TWENTY TWO SECONDS.

Think about that.


I have been since I heard the story on the radio.


Did any of the reports mention whether the bus was a Dennis Dart? There have been a number of similar incidents with them over the last ten years or so where the driver got blamed for poor driving by putting his foot on the wrong pedal.


e.g. this very similar story from 2000 - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/672138.stm

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As with most court cases that make the headlines there's usually more to it than meets the eye. You would have to be attending the court case to get the full facts regarding the incident and the background to the case.

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22 seconds....did it say anything about the pedal getting stuck? i'm not sure on this one, could be either way, either the pedal did get stuck and it all happened by accident or he had enough of driving a bus... and hated his life maybe??? i dunno


Ive had a throttle stick on a truck,its not funny AT ALL !


ended up stalling it using the engine stop and the handbrake,if that hadnt have worked I would have neutral'ed it and let the fucker blow.

These auto boxes on buses I dont think he would have been able to do what I said mind you,Im sure he didnt mean to do any of it.

the poor soul when I think of how many motors Ive driven with differant height or close together pedals

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Ooops .. the driver never mentioned faulty brakes in his statement then.

Though the report says that the fault would have had no bearing on the accident..

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my mate got 5 years for manslaughter after crashing and his gf died (no alcohol , just an accident).


enough said. :(


Its terrible really.. as if the guilt of that accident isn't going to live with him for the rest of his life, a 5 year spell in jail is really going to help you out.


I'm surprised they jailed him to be honest if it was purely an accident, and there were no other reasons why he might have been at fault.

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