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Car-meet a little different

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Should I go to this or not?


Piccies here: http://forum.rowi.net/read.php?f=10&i=7322&t=6723


You'll notice that as you work your way through the sequence of piccies the night progressed, the alcohol started to take its toll :lol: Rocco and rado drivers started to feel the load of alcohol, women, mandarin throwing etc. Look at the very last pictures of that pub, once everyone had left :lol:


That's how the Germans celebrate St Nicholas on the 6th December :-)


Sod it, for 29p plus airport tax, coach costs to Stansted and free collection from the airport on the other side, it's a steal.



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Think it would be easier to just change the carpet rather than try to clean it!


Noticed the sweet necklaces - I reckon thats what did it.


Someone had better stop Jim from bringing sweets to the RR day :shock:

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Someone had better stop Jim from bringing sweets to the RR day




Booked the flight, informed my mate Dirk, he's standing by at the airport, this is gonna be wild :-) He's twisted my arm for many years now :lol:



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Someone had better stop Jim from bringing sweets to the RR day :shock:


lol.. I must get that sorted out. Not long to go now! :)


Whoever said the Germans were boring, or without a sense of humour clearly has never spent any time with them! They're a bunch of maniacs!! :D

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Make sure you get some pics of you in your puke-stained shirt though


I think any piccies of our antics will be completely random, mostly censored :lol:


They're a bunch of maniacs!!


Nah, well-behaved citizens, as you could see at the Karmann meet. Ignore whatever evidence to the contrary might be on the Karmann-meet DVD



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