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Why does everyone rave about Storms?

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Well i bought my new in 1995 for £19600 no VAT here, best thing i did. I still enjoy driving as much as the day i bought it.


You sir, are a legend im my books.

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RadostormVR6, I wish I was in a position to buy a new storm in '95. Must be a nice feeling that no-one else has had their grubby hands on it! Must give you even more 'twinkle in your heart'!

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The Storm is OK, nice enough. I'm sure I would have bought one if they were sensibly priced at the time of buying mine.


I just wish VW put more effort into it and gave the Storm unique paint and wheels, rather than using popular MK3 Golf stuff.


My mate's 44K Mystic Storm just drive mighty fine though :-)

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so what ins group is the campaign then?


Same as a standard, but in my case irrelevant, as it's insured on a classic policy.

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so what ins group is the campaign then?


Same as a standard, but in my case irrelevant, as it's insured on a classic policy.


Same here JRB!

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When you mention Corrado VR6 Storm to anyone non English they're like "What?"


I think it makes it less desirable that it's a UK only limited edition and the fact that it's not actually marked or numbered say's it all.


If the market were world wide for 500 limited editions they'd be worth ALOT more than they currently are.


..and a car is to be driven, not molly codeld or however you spell it



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When you mention Corrado VR6 Storm to anyone non English they're like "What?"


I think it makes it less desirable that it's a UK only limited edition and the fact that it's not actually marked or numbered say's it all.


If the market were world wide for 500 limited editions they'd be worth ALOT more than they currently are.


..and a car is to be driven, not molly codeld or however you spell it




Anyone know what the current market value for a campaign is??? :)

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Out of interest, was the Campaign UK only too?


What market was the Jet for?




Yes the 6 campaign models were created for the top 6 delearships in the UK

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Last I heard the campaign was worth crazy money. something in the reigon of 40k and there are only 4 left. but that was a while ago.

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Last I heard the campaign was worth crazy money. something in the reigon of 40k and there are only 4 left. but that was a while ago.


Surly it would struggle to get half of that?...maybe i'm wrong but that seems a hell of alot of money for any raddo.

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If you can find someone mad enought to pay that or willing to sell what must be one of the rarest cars in the country.

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I suspect that this was some "bullsh*t" from somewhere meself - I think that even over £10k is stretching it... but, hey I can dream can't I?


Wasn't me putting out the rumours though ;)


I know what both me and (roughly) Jimbo paid for ours, and if they're worth THAT kind of money, I would be a very happy chappy :)

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I know what both me and (roughly) Jimbo paid for ours, and if they're worth THAT kind of money, I would be a very happy chappy :)


Ill second that! :)


40k! ........................vunderbar! :) pmsl

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Why is someone so bitter about people with a storm, its a bit SAD. There a lot nice people on here, and some rite Wa-kers.


It's gonna be biased anyways, you can't please all...

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It's a kind of introverted jealousy I guess... Don't understand these people who diss these cars myself, and I'm not even a (Corrado) Storm owner, as I said on my web-site about 7 or 8 years ago "I wouldn't mind a Storm", but for me being in the right place at the right time helped out a lot more...

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I suppose one of the reasons I bought my Storm was for the same reason a lot of pr*cks spend over £100 on a t-shirt, just because it's got some name stamped on it! Do you wear fecking ridiculous looking jeans because you think they look good, or is it the tag? Do all your mates drink Stella 'cos they like it, or 'cos it's the "one to be seen drinking"?


The second reason which allowed me to experience the first reason (as would the t-shirt clad loony) is I could afford the badge, so why not? Which is why two people I know of are selling their Porsche Boxters just to then buy a 911, not for performance reasons, just for the badge! I would think if a lot of members on this forum could have bought a Storm instead of the "normal" VR, without the extra fee bothering them, they would. Those that wouldn't, even though money was no object, are the ones who are not drawn in to paying extra for small details.


It's not the badges that do it for me, it's the knowing that I'm driving in the ultimate Corrado. Yep, some may be faster, some better looking or in better condition but the Storm is the grand finale of an amazing car. It may well cost a couple of grand more than a "normal" VR "just for two badges" but remember, it will always be worth that couple more, and if looked after will one day be worth far more.


Anyway I've sold mine now so I don't actually care anymore!!

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Storm VR6, my sentiments exactly! It's when people say 'it's just a badge' that really annoys me. Thankfully, they seem to be in the minority cos the badges etc are going for silly money!!!, and the Storms are still going for a higher premium.


Being 'badge concious' is just part of human nature - people will always want the best of everything if possible (and in this case the 'final edition' corrados with some extra touches). The same reason why many people buy VW's over the cheaper Skodas despite them being the same animal. You're always gonna care what other people think of your cars which is why car shows are so popular - to get mutual respect and compliments from others....so why not have those extra badges and the fantastic paint etc to put the cherry on top of an already superb car?!


Us Storm owners wouldn't keep going on about it if we didn't feel we have to fight our own corner!


BTW, 16v, bias has nothing to do with it - people who own storms obviously liked them before they owned them which is why they bought one!

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It's not the badges that do it for me, it's the knowing that I'm driving in the ultimate Corrado. Yep, some may be faster, some better looking or in better condition but the Storm is the grand finale of an amazing car. It may well cost a couple of grand more than a "normal" VR "just for two badges" but remember, it will always be worth that couple more, and if looked after will one day be worth far more.


Ultimate Corrado?

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