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Old accident pics...

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What happens when you're tired and driving down an unfamiliar, twisty road in the dark when it's raining and foggy?




I think the scariest two minutes of my life passed that night while I was unable to get out of the car. I couldn't see a thing and wasn't even aware that I was upside down until I unclipped the seatbelt. After I took a minute to gather my thoughts I realised why I couldn't open the driver's door and escaped via the passenger door instead.


It would have been just another sideways incident except the rear near-side wheel dropped into a pothole by the side of the road and flipped the car into a ditch. I'd only estimate the speed to be around 30mph but it was surprsingly violent. The seatbelt saved a lot of injury for sure.


I called the Police and requested the 'Authorities Aware' sticker because people kept stopping to check nobody was in the car. I made sure I was breathalised at the scene too since I was on the way to a party...which I still went to and thoroughly enjoyed :)

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by Jediknight's thread regarding his crashed A3


*cough* S3!!!!


Sorry mate!


I think the scariest two minutes of my life passed that night while I was unable to get out of the car. I couldn't see a thing and wasn't even aware that I was upside down until I unclipped the seatbelt. After I took a minute to gather my thoughts I realised why I couldn't open the driver's door and escaped via the passenger door instead.


That's EXACTLY what happened to me. Couldn't get out drivers side, had no idea where I was and didnt realise I was upside down, then when I couldnt get out I shi*t myself, had a few bad dreams about that!

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I've posted this before but thought I'd drag it up again for sake of this thread...


My mate lost the back end doing 75 through a slightly damp S bend on a narrow country road :shock: We shot up the bank, barrel rolled, landed on the roof, slid down the road, hit the other bank and flipped back onto our wheels facing the way we came!!! Good old german engineering, all three of us in the car only had a few bruises, cuts and scratches!!! The most damage done (other than to the car) was my friends damaged ego and loss of his NCB.

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My Poor MK2 Golf 2Litre 16V after a kind lady in a Corsa deided to T-Bone me at a junction!


Car Span and hit another car waiting at the juction which punted me about 150yds down the road!


Tried to get out but couldn't....Bust Pelvis and lots of cuts and bruises, BTW glass in mouth is not good either :(


Bloody woman tried to blame me for it too! Cheeky Beahatch!


Good old VW build quality saved me from more seroious injury and Thank God they fitted Side Impact bars into '90 onwards MK2's.........

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This still scares me now just writing about it.


About 6 weeks ago I was coming back from Hereford and was behind a lorry for ages. Saw a place to overtake and I did, holy hell didn't I mijudge it, a Volvo estate coming the other way, I started to hesitate but I thought go for it. I went for it and realised his Volvo was going faster than I expected, jeebus I hit the limter in 3rd doing just under 100 as I had no time to change gear and I only just managed to squeeze it in. I really had to chuck it back in to make sure I didn't hit it, honestly if there was anyone else in the car I doubt I'd be here typing this message.


But people learn from mistakes, I don't feel like I was being a knob head, I just misjudged it.

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But people learn from mistakes, I don't feel like I was being a knob head, I just misjudged it.


That's the reason they're called 'accidents' I suppose, rather than 'intentionals' :). No matter how stupid the cause of an accident, people rarely go out to do themselves damage on purpose.


It's the same lack of patience or brief lapses in concentration that cause incidents like the one on Friday last week, that mated my DR-Z400 with the side of a right-turning Fiat Punto and left me with a broken bike and a broken foot. Live and learn....but most importantly just 'live'.

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A friend of mine who lives on a farm, was driving his 205 down the country roads back to his house as he does many times a day!! But this night he fell asleep at the wheel. They reckon he veered (spelling??) round one corner, then off the road narrowly missing 2 hefty trees and he only woke up when he hit the water, Upside Down!!! Managed to get out with nothing more than a bruised ego!!! And even laughs about it now :)

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Well this was what happened to my 2l 16v in August last year. The moral of the story is never let your mate drive your pride and joy...

I had two bruises, and he had a cut on his ear despite a full up and over roll down the hill. The pics by the side of the road are as it landed.

Take care y'all,


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Testament to VW's build quality that it still resembles a car! Good job the Rover coming the other way stopped though or we would have hit them (although they then drove off without checking we were OK).

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