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Corrado Toolkit

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Aiming to return my car to standard spec. and it is missing a toolkit, How much would one from VAG be?


If anyone has one going spare I would rather fund a rado enthusiast than the stealers.

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I think I have a full one, though it's from a 16v...is there different tools in the vr6 one?..(( plug remover or something? ))

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no idea? id a thought the plug removal tools are fairly universal but thinking usually gets me in to trouble.


If it is the same and you dont need it for yout monkey bike servicing DGW then could I take it off yor hands?

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You most cetainly could ZippyVR6, although we'll have to wait for someone that knows what the hell they're on about to confirm whether the kit is the same, then I would have to confirm that I have all the pieces (( i think i have )) ....

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from memory in my tool kit theres a reversable screwdriver,10/13mm spanner and a pair of pliers,my lead remover was attatched to the bonnet stay

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Your toolkit should have...


Wheel-nut spanner, jack & handle, a reversible screwdriver stuffed in the end of the spanner handle, a little 10 & 13mm spanner, a metal wire thing for taking off centre caps and a black plastic U-shaped thing for removing the plastic caps on the standard wheel bolts.


Sometimes the toolkits came in a black pouch thingy, sometimes (I think the later ones) came in a black plastic moulded jobby that everything clips into.


Edit: There's nothing in there to remove the spark plugs themselves, but VR's need a special tool to remove/fit the plug leads. I hear that the VRs all came with these black plastic tools from new - they were sometimes in the toolkit and sometimes clipped to the bonnet stay. However, they're about as useful as a chocolate teapot, so will have long ago broken and been chucked out. If you ask your stealer very nicely, they might sell you the stealer-only metal version with a part number of T10029 :) Don't let them fob you off with the plastic ones because they'll break before you've even got 3 leads off, even with careful use.

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yeah it's in the plastic moulded jobby, I would say it may be easier to contact VAG and see how much a new one is ZippyVR6, it may work out to be cheaper to get one from then when you include postage etc, As far as I know ive got the jack,screwydriver,spanner,wheel nut spanner. I'd have to check for the removig thingies

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Jeepers? Ive just been quoted 95 quid for the full kit from Ridgeway in Reading. All Im really fussed about is the jack and wheel spanner incase a tyre goes pop. might see if Halfrauds can do something a bit cheaper, if not Ill pm you about the kit. Ta,

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