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Junior Jackson

No heat but no leaks

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Hi - 1991 G60 has no blower heat whatsoever (especially in this weather..).

Blower itself is fine. Of two pipes that go from engine bay through bulkhead, as you look at the bulkhead from the front of the car (e.g. from the engine bay), right hand pipe is steamy hot - left hand pipe (i.e. drivers side) is not even lukewarm. I'm deducing from this that the matrix is blocked and looking for some confirmation??


My reason for asking is that I have never known a matrix block on any car (split, yes, burst, yes) and I don't know what would actually block it. The cooling fluid is clean and has been changed regularly as far as I can see.


Is there anything else that may block before I rip the dash out (i.e. pipework etc)??


The return hose appears to go into a metal hose and down to the bottom of the block - would it be worth taking this metal pipe off to see if this is blocked first?

Any advice gratefully received,



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Now I tend to get my advice wrong, so take this with a pinch of salt until the more knowledgeable users of this place come and correct me... but this sounds more like classic radiator thermostat problems.


Do a search for 'radiator AND thermostat' and you should get a pretty comprehensive list of discussions on this subject, things to check, what to get to fix it, etc :)

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It does sound like a flow problem more than a thermostat ect...due to only one hose getting hot.

Try removing both pipes from matrix and stick a garden hose on,open the tap and stick them in both ends of the matrix pipes and note water flow volume.You will get an idea of how much water passes through

Try bleeding the coolant system aswell.

If ALL hoses are hot and still one matrix hose is hot it will be blocked or you will be getting air into coolant system ect.

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James - that's what I thought (flow problem). Jim - the actual reported water temp seems fine - just slightly lower than the middle of the gauge, but thanks for the reply anyway.


On the right (supply I think) hand hose going from the engine bay to the heater matrix, there is a metal device, just before it goes through the actual bulkhead, with a smaller rubber hose coming fromit. I can't find this on etka, does anyone know what this is? I don't think this is blocked, as the hose is hot at either side of it...



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It is a Water by pass valve..(I forgot about this) its to stop the matrix springing leaks under Heavy pressure?! or something like that.

These were prone to fu**ing up. it might be worth while to connect the heater hoses together eliminating the by-pass-valves to check matrix in case the valves are faulty.

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Cool - thanks. I'm going to drain the system, pull the hoses from the bulkhead and try and flush out the matrix and check the valve etc. in the morning. I understand from a quick search that this valve is the mod performed under the recall - e.g. to prevent over-pressuring the matrix. I guess it vents the coolant system pressure off somewhere - will have to follow the smaller pipe to find out where (too dark / cold now... :? ).


One other thing - can't find any info on actually bleeding coolant system once refilled, anyone????



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Have a search for 'matrix AND valve' or 'coolant AND bleed' and you'll get looooads of results - it's been talked about a lot over the last few weeks since it's gotten cold.

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Agree with Graeme on this one I had exactly the same problem with mine and it was the silver recal valve by the bulkhead that was the problem I just replaced it and all was good again They're about £20 trade from the stealers iirc

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Just phoned the stealer in New Southgate and they say VW never did a recall valve for Corrado's. Well I know they did as I have one on mine and so do lots of other people on here!!!!


Anyway they say if they did it's be discontinued now and it's £97.98 for matrix with a valve in. Which doesn't list corrado as a fittment.


so god dam helpful!!!!

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After looking around I found the VAG part number for the bypass valve. See image...


I'm not totally sure, but the matrix bypass valves are there to prevent a matrix dumping hot water inside the car (if it gets blocked and then bursts), I can't see any reason whey you can't just remove the valves altogether, all they do is restrict the flow of water and reduce the heat available inside the car from my experience. Threy won't stop hot water if the matrix springs a leak anyway.

My recall was done in 1996 and I immediately noticed the drop in temperature inside the car, it still gets hot in the vents just not as good as before.

I never actually heard of the matrix bursting on anyone anyway???

If you're that worried then splash out on a new one, I guess it's just one of those potential hazard things that manufacturers need to cover themselves for if they know it could happen.



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If you need one I have a spare from a 1.6 driver-looks exactly the same and it works-Iknow cos I've just had to do this on the wifies Golf GTi.

Which had eactly the same problem as your car.

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When I bought mine I just bought the golf recall valve, it's the only one they list and if your stealer is competant enough would issue this one knowing it's exactly the same as what is fitted to the rado!!

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I wish I'd known what these valves were called so I could have done this search before I posted my problem ( heater hose mystery ). I have this problem with my wife's Mk 2 Golf GTi. The inlet( right hand ) hose has a metal valve and the outlet has a plastic one , both joined by a thin rubber hose.This hose was blocked solid and on removing the plastic valve you couldn't see through it. It was , to all intents blocked by a small disc like plug. I removed it and connected everything back up. Needless to say the heater now does what it says on the box.

Iwas abit worried that I'd done something wrong, but after reading this thread I'll be able to sleep soundly!

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