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Written off & p*ssed off

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My dearly loved valver was written off by a speeding fool in a Golf on Saturday. Went to see my "baby" today & she still looked good despite the damage, I am totally gutted. Owing to the serious damage & the fact that she is 15 years old likely it will be written off, unlikely that I will get another raddo.

Best wishes to all of you- my friends on the forum & enjoy your cars whilst you can.

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Guy in the Golf T-boned it on the near side, it was about 5pm & dark, extensive damage all down nearside including damage to the sill (probable chasis is bent), n/s front wheel buckled- ie damage is bad. :cry:

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Yeah, I keep thinking if only I'd done something different that day then I would not have been in his way, still as they say life's a bitch etc, etc.

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Thanks for your messages guys.


Thanks Ols- your G60 is a real beaut.


Neil- I may try to buy it as salvage but that depends on the insurance co. If it goes to a breakers I will try to find out which one & where & post details on the forum for anybody interested.


Happy Christmas :reindeer:

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Thanks Karl, seems like we've both fallen foul of some crap driving by others.

I'm off now to check Parkers for book value & don't expect to be a happy bunny then :albino:

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Not a happy bunny, Parkers says £1200 (private sale) & I have been told Glass's is even less, have to wait & see what the Insurers say. You can imagine what I can get for that less £250 excess. Still I won't accept it if they offer me that amount. :pukeright:


Top tip- get agreed value insurance if you can.

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