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hi mate, jus like to say i spent a good 20 minutes reading through all your upgrades/mods etc and it is pretty cool what you have done! it makes for a wicked read and im sure thanks to you a lot of people are probably aiming for bigger and better things to put onto their rados (without sounding too gay) you have done a really good job mate! well done :)

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That sounds like a job for Boost Monkey, Toad. Come on Jon time for some modelling....


Cheers for the link Simon - just had a quick look and it looks really interesting.


Pressure!! :pale:


I would think that as the swept volume has gone up by 1/18th (1.8 to 1.9) then the air intake may increase slightly as it has another ~100cc to fill per stroke? I haven't modelled a bottom end yet, will see what I can do :|

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Ta, Jon, would be intrigued to see what you come up with. And don't worry Tom, that didn't sound too gay :camp: :lol: and thank you for the feedback on the thread :D

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any updates wit the n20 yet mate? :)


At the moment I have a box of bits sat in the corner of my room Tom. Unfortunately I am really busy up until Christmas, but should be able to make a start on it after that. And yes, I will be posting up on here when it's done :D (hopefully in that small gap between it working, and the engine going pop :lol: ).


Oh, and thanks for putting that abomination of a picture on my thread Jon :gag:

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Couple of odd jobs done today. Fixed my exhaust heat shield. And, fitted my new illuminated spoiler control switch. Now it's in the car, I'm taking back my initial thought - it is not the most pointless mod ever. Quite like it now :D In fact I've decided to offer to make up 10 of them for people if the interest is there (see my thread in the supplier section). I'm not going to do loads of them, as to be honest they are a right pain to do, however some might want one :D :D

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will go for one of the spoiler switches in the new year mate - but std green. think moving to red would be too hard with the center console. will pop over in the new year - good to see you the other day. have a good break

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will go for one of the spoiler switches in the new year mate - but std green. think moving to red would be too hard with the center console. will pop over in the new year - good to see you the other day. have a good break


Good to see you too Leon. I'll put you down on the thread in the suppliers forum for one. Have a good Christmas :D

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hi, what sparkplugs are you using ? still the 6 ?


What about injectors / FPR?


Still using the standard sparkplugs, injectors are red tops, and it's a standard fuel pressure regulator.

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Just had a day out at Stealth to get it mapped. Made a huge difference :D . The graphs below show the comparison between the old and new maps. These are at the wheels graphs (run with the bonnet up), but it made 246bhp and 222lbft at the flywheel, which Vince says was pretty good especially as I am still running a 68mm pulley.


Big thank you to Vince and the boys there, but OMG was it cold this morning (set off at 7 to be there).

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Blimey @ the wheels too awesome stuff Jonathon.


So nice to finally get it set up properly :D. One thing though, there isn't much more room the play - the injectors are now operating at 90%.

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Yep you def dont want to be going anymore safely, get some new injectors in there, i ran the greys @ 260bhp so may be worth looking into them if your going further with the engine, or just get a jezzag60 air filter set up lol.

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Congratulations mate! Great stuff. Very much looking forward to seeing it in full force this week now :)

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Yeah it is good fun :D and it is nice to have it sorted now. Given all my RR work has been done at Surrey Rolling Road up until now I might try and get a measurement done on their setup as well over the next couple of days (while the weather is still like this). SRR tends to run bonnet down, and Stealth bonnet up which from what I've seen before makes a huge difference. Would be nice to compare everything on the same graph.

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Nice 20lbft rise right across the board then?


Good to see you happier with it again. :)

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Nice one :D now it will definetly break 300bhp with the nitrous


This is probably going to sound a bit dim but am I right in thinking that with the live remaps the company doing it fit a new chip and map it on a rolling road? If you already have a pre-coded chip such as SNS Stage 5 that is already set up to your current configuration does this become redundent or do the live remaps re-use the old chips and over-wright them?


I have heard nothing but good news from Stealth, I have only been there once on the Corrado Forum RR day in 2007, but I plan to head up there later this year once my car is finally sorted.


How much does a general live remap cost?

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Nice one :D now it will definetly break 300bhp with the nitrous


This is probably going to sound a bit dim but am I right in thinking that with the live remaps the company doing it fit a new chip and map it on a rolling road? If you already have a pre-coded chip such as SNS Stage 5 that is already set up to your current configuration does this become redundent or do the live remaps re-use the old chips and over-wright them?


I have heard nothing but good news from Stealth, I have only been there once on the Corrado Forum RR day in 2007, but I plan to head up there later this year once my car is finally sorted.


How much does a general live remap cost?


There are two routes i) live mapping which takes place on the road with you (or someone) driving the car, while someone else does the mapping on a laptop, ii) rolling road tuning where this is one on a dyno. There are pro's and con's for each, but my experience has led me to tuning on a dyno. As for cost it is dependant on time, but budget £300-500 and you'll be in the right region. Basically they either start from your chip or from a base map, and then go from there. The result is a new chip which replaces your old one.


If you have made relatively minor tweaks then and off the shelf chip will probably be fine for a fraction of the price.

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Good result Jonathan. I had a feeling Vince might extract a little more from your engine. I bet it drives smooth on the road? :D


Regarding the 'chipping' process, yep a new one will have been fitted. Each tuner has their own anti-piracy encryption, which is part of the chip itself. The usual process (with a VR6 at least, G60 possibly the same) is to plug an emulator into your ECU harness, which is essentially a 'fake' ECU with a rewritable chip in it. You copy a standard map onto the Emulator chip, fire up the tuning software and the mapping work can begin. Once the tuner is happy, the code from the Emulator is burned onto an encrypted WORM chip, installed into your real ECU and off you go :D


So what's next for you then Jonathan? Nitrous? More boost? :D

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Good result Jonathan. I had a feeling Vince might extract a little more from your engine. I bet it drives smooth on the road? :D


So what's next for you then Jonathan? Nitrous? More boost? :D


Very smooth, a completely different beast now Kev :D. As with all things, yesterday did bring up some issues, mainly regarding the fuelling. It's still running the original fuel pump, and as it'll be nitrous next, thats going to struggle (or more likely fail). So bigger fuel pump will be needed before I do any more. Also the injectors are at 90% now, so I can't risk pushing those any further. Still I'm not thinking about that at the monent - just enjoying it.

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Try running the early 16v fuel pump like i do. Bolts straight on under the car with the fuel filter and use the standard in tank pump to feed the new 16v pump.

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Ooh, thats useful to know and sounds fairly easy. Is the standard in tank pump up to the job then?

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