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car insurance is a joke for youngsters

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right im looking at purchasing a racing red 2.0 16v corrado of a friends mum for a very reasonable price it has done done just over 100,00. i have always wanted a dub but just never found one at the right price for me,

but this is the one.


my problem is insurance im 19 been driving since my 17th bday and still insurance will cost me over 2 grand third party F&T on my dads insurance. i live i the middle of nowhere in the country side my dads a MD and has 9 years no claims and ive been driving a 2.0 ford focus since the day i passed my test.


i can only think the problem is down to my NCB since i have never been able to afford insurance on my own even on a 1.0 runabout i have always been on my dads insurance which worked out cheaper and gave him the money?????


so does anyone know how i could get round this and get the car iv always wanted.

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Sadly, due to the horrific cost of body parts for Corrados, I think even the 1.8s are something like group 16 - quite considerably higher than a 2.0 Focus.


It's not helped by the fact that people tend to drive them fairly hard and thus they tend to get bent quite a bit :?


16v on here is living the dream...but also paying £3k or so in insurance! :shock:

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3 grand thats mad but ive seen other 19yr old on here qouting insurance for a 2.0 16v for like 900-1200 are they lying. do you think a pass plus would help.

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aye, two options really, bite the bullet and pay up or buy a shi**er to drive about for a couple of years to build up your NCB, then pay less to insure the corrado. It cost me £1300 to insure my valver TPFT a couple of years back, with 0 NCB and I was 24

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my problem is insurance im 19 been driving since my 17th bday and still insurance will cost me over 2 grand third party F&T on my dads insurance. i live i the middle of nowhere in the country side my dads a MD and has 9 years no claims and ive been driving a 2.0 ford focus since the day i passed my test.


sorry dude but if you cant afford the insurance buy a car you can afford to insure, the reality is if you cant afford insurance on a C you cant afford to run it. If you are putting it in your fathers name then you are not gonna make your insurance cheaper when you come to get your own, better off building your NCD up its cheaper in the long run

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It was even worse for me.. I was paying about £2000 TPFT for my 2.0 16v at 21!!


In retrospect I just wished i'd driven a crapper and earned my NCD that way.. things are getting sensible now that i'm very nearly 25 and 5 years no claims! About bloody time!!

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My best mate was paying £1800 a year fully comp on his MK3 Golf GTI 8v at 18. I called him a fool as I had a 1.4 Ibiza while I built up my no claims. He pays under £700 now he's 20.


You need to ring around and see who'll insure you. Adding parents can sometimes reduce your premium (I add my mum as a named driver and save £100 a year!) and getting a good alarm and garaging it always helps. Some insurance companies give discounts to forum members, so check out which forums offer that and join them :) Oh and some offer discounts if you have other insurance or accounts with them, so find out who your parents bank with, insure everything with, etc and go from there.


Hope to help!

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have you actually asked for quotes for fully comp? i was quoted £600 fully comp or £750 tpft so some companies are actually cheaper to go fully comp with.


unfortunately your age and lack of ncb will have a big effect on your premium, just keep shopping around and maybe pluck up the courage to go and buy a copy of :pukeright: max power :pukeleft: , you will only need the insurance ad's out of the back, just try not to look at any of the previous pages, think of them as glossy toilet paper :lol:

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the reality is if you cant afford insurance on a C you cant afford to run it


i drive 2.0 litre now thats does 22 mpg i can afford to run a porchse.


and it wouldn't be so annoying but the car is being offered to me for 800 and theres nothing wrong with it shes had it since new and drives like a mum and has all the sales history you can see why im so eager to get it.

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Put yourself in their shoes. Would you trust a teenager with no evidence of safe driving with a fast car?


Still seems a bit excessive though. I was about £700 to insure my Mk2 Golf GTi 16v TPFT when I was 21.

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Yea, I'm paying a lot, 90% of places I tried wouldn't have me, I found one for £4500, but no way was I gonna do that, a few phone calls later I got one down to £2770, personally, I think I can get it for a bit cheaper, but it was a case of when I passed my test I cam home and wanted to drive!


Just keep trying, and say "oh, this other company offered me so and so", it usually works.

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i know it stupid isn't it the on board computer is often telling me that it does between 22mpg-24mpg i drive quite a bit because i live in the middle of nowhere the corrado is only 10-bhp faster than my focus which i drive everyday which i have never crashed or bummed surley insurers must take this into account other wise it looks like il have to give up or get something very slow :mad:

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The smaller companies tend to be up for price matching because it's the only way they can get punters from the big fish. Try brentacre, they price matched for me and lowered it £30, direct line are good but i'm not sure they do under 21s.

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Sorry but at 20 I was paying just over 2k fully comp on a mk2 Golf 16v. Your quote doesn't seem too far out to be honest. Thing is, I thought it was unfair at the time, then stuffed the car and the claim cost around the 2k, so in effect they had weighed the risk up pretty well in my case.


What sort of money are you talking for a 1.0Litre on your own then? My first car as soon as I passed my test was a Mk2 Cav 1.6 (didn't know any better at the time) which cost £850 TPFT (group 8 ). Drove that into a hedge within a month so they didn't make anything out of that premium either.

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When you ring up try little tricks like


You : "How much?"

Them: "£2000 sir"

You: "Ok, thats not as cheap as the other"


And see if they ask you how much the other one has offered you to try and see if they can beat it..


If not, you will just have to bite the bullet and pay £2000, or just wait longer to get a Corrado.


Good luck.

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well when i first passed the insurance on a fiesta 1.0 was 1250 fully comp but im so used to driving a 2.0 litre i couldnt cope with a 1.0 now haha i think im just gonna phone around and see if my parents will go halfs on the insurance haha.

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16v OMG, I didn't realise you paid that much :shock: is that tpft or comp?


whomartyn can i annoy you even more and say that I pay £500 fully comp on my VR6? :wink:


Seriously though, I remember what it's like to be young and try to get insurance, when I was 19 I had a 1.4 clio and was paying £800 ish and they're only a group five. Like dinkus said, even the smallest engined 'rado (the 1.8 valver) is a group 16 so it's going to be expensive.


It all depends how much you want that 'rado!!!

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Man, that is real dedication to the world of 'rado. :notworthy:

All that money and if you have a crash, your car is not covered!

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Sadly, due to the horrific cost of body parts for Corrados, I think even the 1.8s are something like group 16 - quite considerably higher than a 2.0 Focus.


this is true although not really valid as the insurance will write the car off for stone chips so they never actually buy any parts


its also the lack of air bags/ safety equipment that bumps the price up because of the potential for injury claims

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the reality is if you cant afford insurance on a C you cant afford to run it


i drive 2.0 litre now thats does 22 mpg i can afford to run a porchse.


and it wouldn't be so annoying but the car is being offered to me for 800 and theres nothing wrong with it shes had it since new and drives like a mum and has all the sales history you can see why im so eager to get it.


living in the sticks would surely see a better mpg than 22mpg(unless your right foot is welded to the floor).......hell i get that round town in my VR6.........as for insurance........i take it your Focus is on a policy where your Dad is the policy holder and your a named driver on it?.......you do realise that if your insurance ever found out about that in the event of an accident that they can void your policy?????......especially if you are the main driver and not just an occasional driver on it......don't think that they'll just assume that it was one of the few times you were driving etc....they'll find out one way or another...................so best earn some of your OWN NCB so that you can afford to run a motor................by all means buy this Corrado but be prepared to get raped insurance wise on it............

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