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Stan 24v

Got pulled by the Feds today

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Was out and about with the missus, and I was driving her Clio, in Preston, when a copper decided to pull me.


He came up to the window and said the number plates were illegal. I got out and he said the writing was too small and a honeycomb background is illegal, and all plates have to have the name of the company who made them.


I then had to get in his car where he cautioned me, and then said there was two options. A fixed penalty on the spot of £60 :shock: or a scheme wher he gives me a ticket and I have to get legal plates fitted and an MOT centre to sign the document and get it back to the feds within 14 days, or else.


What a load of bollox!!! If he'd have just said to change them then I would have. He was a right jobsworth. Lancashire has to be the worst place in Britain for motorists (with the exception of N. Wales ;))


Just thought Id share my day with you all :mad:

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thats just stupid!!!


What is this country coming to...


You would think as a first offence they would caution you on something like that...

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i bet yr missus is really good looking and he pulled ya jus to get a better look and was jealous of you so pi55ed you off too....

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I'm a bit more concerned about the copper pulling you to start with - isn't that sexual harassment or something? :lol:

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I wouldnt pay £60 to be pulled, far cheaper round here.


Seriously sounds like this country is going to the dogs mate. Imagine what he would have said if you'd popped the bonnet on the raddo when shes back. Probably investigate your insurance was right for 6 months!

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Feds? I didn't realise the FBI had been put on traffic duty!


All joking aside, its still pretty darn annoying. Criminals galore out there and they're stopping people for honeycomb patterns on number plates.. its insane!

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okay, the next time you guys say anything negative about the uk as a motorist's country, I swear to god I'll take the next plane over there and slap everyone of you silly.


How about this? 65 in a 60 mph zone on an empty motorway: ~ 500-700£ + you lose your licence if you're under 21. The D.W.I. border is at 0.02 percent, which isn't half a beer. Anything over that, you lose your licence no matter how old you are. Norway also usually host the annual "who got the shitties roads in the world"-show, and we usually end up tieing with nicaragua. About plates, you don't really got a choice. You gotta use the nice goverment issued ones, and if you haven't got your stickers (road tax, about 3-400£ annually) in the correct places, they'll snap your plates and earn a living by that alone (I think it's approx. £500-700 to get your plates back). Oh, and if you thought your MOT was tough, you're in for a beating at ours. Here they don't skip small details.


I could go on and on, I haven't even mentioned how expensive gas is, or for that sake, cars themselves. I paid £5000 for my 130000 miles 1989 corrado g60, and that was pretty cheap compared to some. You don't get a vr6 under £10,000 if you don't know the owner or whatever.


Oh, and pints are about £5 apiece at happy hour.

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selbekk, that sounds tough. Are Norway anti-car like our Government is fast becoming?


Have you moved there from England or is your english just exceptionally good? ;-)


Still, look on the bright side, you have some spectacular scenery and low crime ;-)

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It is a bit of a sh1tta and i do feel for you mate but some people do take the car-plate thing a little too far. I saw some gimp in a MR2 with a front plate smaller than a bit of A5 paper and it was tucked under his crappy body kit! it does take the piss a little but i think you got a little bit fisted by the bloke! (What ever happen to a clip round the ear? where's my glasses??)

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Ive been to Norway 3 times now, and I agree that it is expensive. The roads are in poor state due to the snow and ice though, surely? Also, with all of the bad weather you get, drink driving should be banned, as it is. Personally I think drink driving should be banned here too, that way everyone knows where they stand.


But as someone said above, you earn more to compensate for the prices, plus you only get taxed on what you buy, not your wages, whereas over here we get taxed on our wages, AND what we buy.


And, a clip around the ear would have sufficed, instead of wasting everybodys time for some slightly smaller than average lettering on a fecking number plate :censored:

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51 model, but I bought the plates, and I knew they were illegal, just wasnt expected to be pulled an get a ticket for them.

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gazzaG60, you are correct, although I don't use the free stuff like social security, hospitals and so forth as much as I feel I pay for my car. Of course, I understand that when you live in a socialist society, everyone gotta skip in, and I accept that, but it's still a bugger when a new audi a6 can cost up to £100,000.

Oh, and we don't REALLY make that much money with up to 60-70 % income tax.


kevHaywire, I'd say so. But then again, which gov't isn't in some way? However, mine is in every way. :wink: I'm Norwegian, born and raised, but spent last year state-side as an exchange student :) Oh, and I learned all those jolly expressions from that crap magazine m*x p***r (I was told not to use those words here :wink: ).

Totally agree with you on the scenery, but I live in oslo, where you don't really see any of it. And scenery is free :) Low crime is nice though, I'd pay for that every day :) Never been robbed actually!


stanbates, the a-roads are usually in okay condition, but that's because they're so fecking expensive to build. When they make a new a-road in norway, you first (I've heard anyways) put up to three feet of rough gravel down where the pavement (tarmac, is it? can't handle english vs. american english :wink: ) will be, then some kind of thick isolation, then more gravel, then cables and crap, then even more cables, and finally about one foot worth of asphalt on top. I think the average a-road in norway is about 6 feet deep. Oh, and you gotta blow all the mountains out of the way first :) Every other way than A-roads are horrible, though. We like ski jumping, obviously, so we try to make small jumps in the road and call them "speed bumps" for funding reasons :)

About drink driving, I would never touch my rado after touching a beer, but I think 0.02 percent is a bit low, as it reacts to asthma medicines and other pharmacy products.


Oh, stanbates, we DO get taxed on our income also... trust me. I think my folks pay about 60% of their income in taxes, I pay about 40% since I'm poor, and the rich feckers have to pay pretty much three quarters of their salary to the gov't. Oh, and we got a 25% sales tax on everything. What are you doing in Norway, anyways? Bring your rado next time, and we'll go to a meet or whatever ;)


BTT: I think as long as a number plate is AROUND the original size, and easily readable (a.k.a. no gothic fonts), it should be allowed.

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I Understand how vexxed you must be about this.


I got pulled over on the M1 driving home from York late on a Sunday night.


The cozzer said hes stopped me for my plates being illegal. The spacing was not 100%. Alot of you guys have seen my plates. None of the letters are mis shaped, and you can tell what all the characters are clearly.


I got a £30 fine. They didnt even ask me to change the plates! Just a fine! What kind of sense is this? To top it off, he went and took a polaroid picture of the plate incase i query the fine!!!


I had to sit in the back of their car while they read me the rules and waffled.


Finally, they said "2.9 is that?..... Tell you what "DEL", if you'd have put your foot down, we'd have had no chance of catching you"

To which i thought "yep, you wouldnt, but you'd have radio'd every cozzer in the area and got a helicopter up in the air to stop me, you to$$ers!"


absolute W@nkers! There are much worse plates, with badly distorted figures out there! Its another piggy bank scheme for them!

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Oh, stanbates, we DO get taxed on our income also... trust me. I think my folks pay about 60% of their income in taxes, I pay about 40% since I'm poor, and the rich feckers have to pay pretty much three quarters of their salary to the gov't. Oh, and we got a 25% sales tax on everything. What are you doing in Norway, anyways? Bring your rado next time, and we'll go to a meet or whatever ;)



Apologies mate, I was under the impression you didnt get taxed twice :oops:


Ive been out there with work (Im in the RAF). Been to Bardufoss 3 times, and also visited Tromso, and Fihhes Ness (Dont know if spelling is correct). Also been to Riksgransen and Lulea in Sweden. Lovely women everywhere :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:


I love it out there :D Every time Ive been its been averaging -30 to -35'c and its such a pretty place, but a bit weird when you get off the plane and all the hairs in your nose freeze :shock:

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Perhaps I'm out of tune with the rest of you but if you buy plates that you know are illegal surely you shouldn't be too surprised when you get pulled over.


I agree totally with where the police's priorities are but the law is the law

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Thats not a prob mate, but as said before its just bloody annoying, and a telling off would suffice. But hey, it hasnt cost me anything and I wont be using them again so I aint too bothered.

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i got pulled over the other week for my plates being 'almost illegible' fair do's i knoew they were illegal, but ive driven past what must be hundreds of police cars and not once has one pulled me over till recently, £30 fine if paid within 28 days (then goes up to £60) and told to change them.



Dont know about you but i went for the 'i know theyre not legal, but my were missing this morning so had to use my 'show plates' until i could get some 'proper ones' didnt lose my temper or get annoyed, admitted knowing they werent legal and the copper was quite cool about it really!


the annoying thing was that it was about 8am in the middle of rush hour on the A3, not one of the times at 10pm on smll city roads!

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