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Selling Cars!

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As you know I'm selling my 6. People have emailed and phoned for details which is fine. Several people have phoned to arrange a time to come and view it, which is also fine.


What really p*sses me of is when they say x o'clock and then nothing happens! No, I can't come, or I've changed my mind, which is fair enough. What I'm wanting to say to people is.......


If you want to see the car, then arrange a time and keep me informed of any changes.




Rant Over!!

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....that grieves me too :x , ...then you get the tw*t that turn up with all his mates trying to beat you down, wanting to use your bog and generally acting like a grade A billy hunt :mad:

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ardandy, know how you feel! It's sooo annoying when you change all your plans so you can be in for them to view the car... and they don't turn up.


gaz the geezer, had this when I sold my first VTI. My road was invaded by Japanese students- most of them turned up in their souped up ricemobiles- there were at least 3 Civics, a Prelude and a 200SX :shock: . They stayed for ages and all wanted to drive it, but I wouldn't let them. The guy came back and bought it next day though. They were pretty intimidating! :roll:


Worst one was selling my last VR to Gazman. He brought along a right pair of knuckleheads to check the car out... :lol:

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..christ on a bike !! how many !!, i was pretty fortunate really except for the fact i had to contend with 5 chav type `erberts who were just everywhere, i had to shut the garage door down to keep the b*ggers out and keep the car keys in my pocket, they parked in a really inconsiderate manner and wouldnt move when a neighbour wanted to park outside his own garage because " we`ll be gone in a minute" , he certainly was gone in a minute because i`d run out of patience and refused to sell to him because of his abrasive, rude manner, - pleasantries exchanged and good bye :agrue:

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I sympathise mate. I do a bit of buying and selling on the side. The last car I sold was a Pug 205 TD, there were about 50 enquiries, of which at least 30 never turned up as arranged, the other 20 saw it liked it, were going to phone back for a test drive or were going to come round the following day which was pay-day etc, only ever saw 1 of them. I had one person say he'd buy it as long as I put a new MOT on, then no show. People who just needed to show their other halves, people who had one more to look at but would definately let me know either way, not one...t*ssers all of them!

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Worst one was selling my last VR to Gazman. He brought along a right pair of knuckleheads to check the car out...


but did you get the right price though :lol:


Yeh. Was a good deal for both of us. Was (and still is!) a nice mota. Put out very healthy power figures at the recent Stealth day 8)

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Worst one was selling my last VR to Gazman. He brought along a right pair of knuckleheads to check the car out... Laughing


LOL! = you cheeky bastard!


EDIT - I still can't believe you were selling a car with a broken dipstick! hehe

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I turned up with a branch of Haywire Engineering and VAG-COM when I bought mine then offered a silly price for my C :lol: :oops:

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Worst one was selling my last VR to Gazman. He brought along a right pair of knuckleheads to check the car out... Laughing


LOL! = you cheeky bastard!


EDIT - I still can't believe you were selling a car with a broken dipstick! hehe


Replacing the radiator and PAS pipework on it totally cleaned me out- no way I could have afforded a dipstick handle on top of all that! :lol: :wink:


PS- how come 'bastard' gets through the swear filter, you cheaky shit?

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I turned up with a branch of Haywire Engineering and VAG-COM when I bought mine then offered a silly price for my C :lol: :oops:


LOL - I was going to mention that was just scrolling down the thread... that was a seriously nerve racking experience having the Haywire scrutinise the C! Glad it passed the test of tests though (Haywire and VAG-COM). Although the Haywire had seen it a couple of months previously when I bought the wheels and kindly spotted a couple of errors on VC which were then remedied before the sale, so wasn't too bad in the end.


I just sold my golf and had a VW mech come and check it out - that didn't do my blood pressure any good either. The cars I sell somehow seem to attract the experts!

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It would be great if selling a car was always like the following.


When selling our Polo in 1987 we decided to try a notice in the car's window. Had always thought this was a bit naff, though.


Stuck notice on rear side window.

Drove to swimming pool/sports centre right away. Came out after swim with the kids.

Drove home. Got phone call same afternoon. Young couple came and looked at car. Brought bankers order next day. No haggling, they even paid the asking price without question.

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