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S3 Brembos 323x28

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:lol: erh....ive just broken down officer and the RAC are on the way .....waits til he's round the corner (whistles and trys to look casual) jumps in the car.....would you believe it she's running again...makes get away!!

Did that in Taunton last year..lucky the Warden was so gullable!!

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Of course, if Johnboy98 has a complaint with the moderating services on this forum, then I would suggest that he fills in the brief complaint form that we have introduced (on Tom's reccommendation).


To make the complaint process easier for you, please make sure that you have the following items to hand before continuing:

  • 2 reams of 75gsm white paper[/*:m:36a36]
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  • and of course, your full name, address, national insurance number, date of birth, embarrasing middle name and your mother's maiden name.[/*:m:36a36]


Please submit your finished complaint form, in triplicate to the Official Complaints department


I'm sure you'll find them to be a friendly, reasonable and tasteful organisation to deal with.

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Skills and Interests

To be a traffic warden you should:


have a positive attitude to the job

be assertive and have common sense

have initiative to cope with unexpected situations

be able to understand and apply written and spoken instructions

be able to think clearly and react sensibly under pressure

have patience, tact and a sense of humour

have a good level of fitness

be able to form good working relationships with the police and other colleagues.

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Can I go off topic, ish,


Johnboy98 whats the rule with double yellows in Newquay? As a newbie to the area I drive around looking for somewhere to park for ages, past the hundreds of cars parked blatently on double yellows. Every time i've seen a warden around he's just plodding up and down the street waveing at the shopkeepers etc...I even saw one minding a guys baby in a pram while he went to get his car and reverse up a one way street to pick it up!! ...this wouldn;t happen in Cardiff, they're far more like VR6 there. :lol:


Is it a seasonal thing?

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Tis as Trigg saiz mostly seasonal ie May-September no parking on certain double yellow's my street being one of em. In truth it stops the tourists blocking your driveway or sleeping in their vans outside your front door!

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