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Anyone know of a raddo rat?


I know it's more of an air-cooled thang, but you do see the odd water cooled rat at shows, but i've not seen a ratty raddo :o ..well, i've seen quite a few rough ones, but not a 'proper' rat.

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They do have a certain 'charm' about them :lol:


I'd say it's a better option than scrapping a raddo because it would cost too much to get back to a decent exterior condition (( i.e dents in rear quarters etc )) Obviously raddo's don't suffer with rust like aircooled's do, but there are more and more being scrapped due to un-economical pannel repairs/replacement.

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its always been a dream of mine to do a cross-america drive in a ratty old convertible yank barge like you saw in all those 80's movies. a rado-rat would be ideal!

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but there are more and more being scrapped due to un-economical pannel repairs/replacement.



*enter chrishill stage left* :wink:



I'm seriously tempted to buy a raddo thats up for sale near me, the engine/interior seem ok, but there's a bloody big dent in the rear quarter (( same as the last raddo I had )) amongst other rough exterior parts.


I'm thinking I might rat it.





this could be an interesting site when it gets going!

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heh, yeah i did think that comment was rather relivant to my experiances! not sure i could live with a rat though, i like shiny things too much

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Well, yeah, as the next car I buy will be mainly my missus's daily drive, i'll be suprised if my ratty dream will come true... :lol:

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Yeh me too... surely they must start falling apart after a while??


I like your dream chris, think that's always been a dream of mine too but I only just realised it!

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triggermyson, nice, but it's slightly too rattish. :lol:


With regards to them falling apart, i'm no expert, but i'm pretty sure that it's just light surface rust that's been protected (laquered?) so it doesn't get worse or rot?


I've seen campers at shows with craked windows that have been seeled so they won't cave in, but they still have the crack. I think the point with 'rat look' is that they look rough as , but are mechanicaly sound, dropped to the floor on new suspension, and wearing fat rims.

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I like your dream chris, think that's always been a dream of mine too but I only just realised it!


somehow it doubt it'll have the cool edge to it that I'm expecting, I'm thinking road movies like vanishing point, cannonball run, gumball rally, easy rider (sans narcotics) and that early speilburg film where the guy gets hounded by a big truck, only I'd want my trip to go without the fear of impending death!

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Walesy, ah ok, I get it now.. that splitscreen just looks so knackered I thought it had to be poo.


chrishill, I did a two week road trip around California a couple of years ago. We had a Ford Explorer though! Highlight of the whole trip was driving past a huge lorry on Route 66 and doing the 'tug tug' ( ;) ) horn action and him honking back really loud... ah it's the little things. :)

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Yeah, true, still good tho..i'm into air aswell as water-cooled , besides, one day, i'd like one of these!.. :wink:

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Actually I saw a strange looking camper van at RK Engineering once. It was a bit ratty and had symbols painted all over and loads of stickers. Completely slammed to the ground, pretty much undriveable!


You're going to run to the sun then I take it?

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Cool, there was one of those on Gumball 3000 last night with a Porsche 911 engine in it! They got clocked by the rozzers doing over 100mph but got let off because the police couldn't believe an old camper could go that fast. 8)


Broke down 5 times on the first day though :(

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I think that looks the nuts! Not sure it would work on a corrado though. To many plastic parts.

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