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insurance advice

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went to petrol station last friday night and some old biddy was taking about 3days to pay so i thought sod it i'll go in the spare space that had now become available.so put the car in reverse and went into the front of a fiesta behind me.doh!


anyway damage to her car was a ding to wing and door


damage on mine minor scuff to rear bumper and arch not worth even talking about cost about £2 in touch up paint.




anyway she rang me telling me she's had a quote for wait for it £880 yes £880 for her car.


I told her quote is a load of cack basically and she said well i only need one quote.


Cause quote is stupid i said for her to give me a breakdown of the £880 then get back to me and we'll go from there.


Now im wondering what my insurance company would say if i made a claim for this (im with Brentacre) seen as cost is so high.


Do they send there own people around to have a look?


Pay up?


or say get stuffed?

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Used to be that 2 quotes were needed from *reputable* body shops, sounds like she's trying to rip you mate, maybe she's got her eye on an even more fancy fester (sorry fiesta) & thinks you're going to help pay for it.

Best to keep it polite when dealing with her, as it sounds like you were at fault maybe cheaper for you to pay for damage after she has got a sensible quote rather than get the insurance t*ssers involved.

Good luck.

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kept her sweet so far, when i spoke to her last night though after she said 880 and i told her that quote was abit steep she might of realised that she wont be pulling any fast ones on me.

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Bad luck mate, it's the old Corrado rear visibilty problem, I bet you looked right over the top of her car! :?

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well i cant remember seeing her lights at all, and usually any 4x4 height cars lights just shine off my mirrors everywhere and blind me.

got a suspicion she might not be insured on the car either or is only a named driver but uses it all the time.

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IMO tell her that your insurance company will probably stall the claim for months, and so as a "gesture" ud be willing to pay for the damage yourself.....All you gotta do then is find the dirtiest chepaest garage near cardiff.


Good luck.

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IMO tell her that your insurance company will probably stall the claim for months, and so as a "gesture" ud be willing to pay for the damage yourself.....All you gotta do then is find the dirtiest chepaest garage near cardiff.


Good luck.


lol I know one!!

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....is a garage forecourt private land, i dont suppose there is a loop hole there somewhere :?:


if it was, how does that affect a claim?


would have thought a forecourt was still public road as it isnt a private petrol station.

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its a business address so i'd imagine its private land,its not owned by the council/govt etc


what does that mean regarding a claim though? she cant claim? or an insurance company treats it differently?

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..........shoot me down in flames by all means as this may not be the case, but i thought insurance companies had some sort of " dont have to pay " loophole because it was on private land, it`s one of those things that is in my head but insurance policies may have moved on a bit and now that is no longer the case - i remember this from sometime ago about a parking knock a "friend" had in a private carpark and had no recourse to claiming from the guy that crumpled his door because it didnt happen on a public road.

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its private land but available to the public so to speak.................she didn't cause the damage you did so why should she be the one thats hit in the pocket.........just cos the damage on yours appear superficial doesn't mean it is on hers or even yours,tell her you need a couple of quotes to decide if its worth you paying yourself or letting your insurance co foot the bill

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doesnt bother me having to fork out on a reasonable quote, (havent heard off her today and got my people fishing out her insurance which could be duff) just dont get this public/private land lark and what it has to do with any claims.if i smash your house up it s private land so would have to pay up whats different about a petrol station.

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its private land in the sense that the local authority don't have an obligation to mend the road etc...............if your car was damaged in a main dealer's car park for example you would still be entitiled to seek that the damage is put right........you don't need to have insurance on private land btw,but as soon as you go onto the public road you do

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i'd say talk to john or kerry at brentacre their top guys and will advise you whats best to do not advice of a public forum... i mean these guys do what they do for a reason and their very good at what they do

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so basically it doesnt matter if i bumped her in a petrol station or public road then?

or i do you mean i could be uninsured in a petrol station and be covered somehow but need insurance once your back on public roads?

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basically you caused damage to her car so she has every right to seek that the damages are fixed by you.........as Furki says speak to those really in the know

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Yeh call your insurer, they may have some fine print in your policy that states a claim is void if the accident happened on private land.

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