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My 1992 16V was recently broken into, well actually the thieves didn't get in because of the strength of the good old VW Doors, just wrenced it down as much as they could....Being in bad humour at not suceeding in breaking into my car, they did some damage to other parts of the car, took the wiper arms front and rear, removed some roof trim, broke the aeriel mast, removed badges etc. etc.


I've nearly replaced all the parts. When I went to fit the replacement Beesting screw in Aeriel Mast my local VW Garage supplied, I was disappointed to see that it was quite different to the original, I've noticed it's far narrower at the base and it weighs about as much as a feather.. it also doesn't fit very well, it doesn't thread home very well and tends to point quite skyward as opposed to the original which tended to have a much lower profile. The Dealer tells me this is the only replacement available, Is this correct? From what I can see the replacement supplied is also fitted to Golf and Polo Models?


Is the original unavailable now, was it made by VW or who made it? Would any of you have a part number?



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That’s bad news mate... how did they manage to damage the base? I know someone on here was looking at getting a replacement from Mapplins - don't know how successful that was though :?


Otherwise there's always a few C's being broken in the 'parts for sale' section so you may find a good second hand one in there...


Remember that the original was amplified so if you get one that isn't or the wires have broken the radio signal will be naff!

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Tisw true... there have been several threads on 'fixing' the broken amplifier wires which will probably be fairly easy to find with a quick search... or you could PM gradeA as he's recently done this (I think)


Can't be any more help though I'm afraid as my reception is spot on :oops:

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Some pikey F****R did this to me too, they didint get it off completely tho, and so the base in just about hanging on, like when one of your teeth is falling out as a kid, and uve got that little bit of skin left.

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double-6s, the amp usually gets wet and rots away doing more harm than good, you can bypass it altogether with a short bit of wire (I did it recently) for near perfect radio reception.

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