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VR6 or G60??

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Ok I know this subject has been done to death, but I thought i'd take a different approach.

I have previously owned a Valver but since buying it I always felt the need to upgrade to a VR6, but the perfect G60 has become available and I can't help wondering if I buy the G60 would I regret it later and wish I had held out for a VR6.

So what I am asking is, anyone who has owned or driven both the VR6 and G60, can you name just one main advantage and one main disadvantage of owning either car.


For example if your for the VR6 name the main reason why it's better than the G60 and then the main reason why I might regret buying the G60? If your for the G60, do the opposite obviously :-P

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Are there any VR owners near you? Best thing you can do is drive one yourself, because other people's opinions will always be just that - their opinions! Far better to experience them both for yourself mate... :)

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Good point mate, I know a few VR owners but don't know of any G60 owners about here. I did have a drive in a G60 when i was first looking, but that was a while back, would be good to compare the 2 so i'll have to look into that.

I am thinking about maintanence and running costs too though.

Cheers for the help :)

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I think maintenance and mpg tend to be quite similar, but obviously tuning the G up to VR power is fairly inexpensive... I think a lot of the time it comes down to the sound of the engine! :lol:

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Funny that, I have the impression that maintanence of the G60 would be alot more than the VR, don't ask me why, but thats why I am looking opinions from owners of both.

I think I could live with the different engine sound for the car I am looking at.

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two totally different characters mate.

vr is a lovely, lazy big capacity relaxed type drive (until you floor it and it goes whhaaaaaappppp!!)

g60 (although i've only driven a golf g60) is a more frantic highly charged delivery.

imo they both sound fekin lovely, just VERY different in sound and power delivery.

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hello hub i always was going to buy a g60 but i still took a vr out for a spin! then i just waited till i found one that ticked my boxes i.e leather, f.s.h, immaculate bodywork and some engine mods so that dont ned to spend loads on mods! so i spent more buying my G but now dont need to do too many more modifications there is still alot planned but there would be a hell of alot more if id started from scratch on a standard! i CANT GET ENOUGH OF FLOORING MY RADO but im sure everyone on here will say that! so i agree with grade a go and drive both you'll soon tell!

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Cheers iow_corrado_g60, the car I am interested in is exactly what I want from a Raddo in the looks dept, only thing i'd want to do is add Recaro's or leathers in the future, it's also a forum member who is selling the C and i know a good few on here would vouch for it.

The engine is the only other thing I am unsure about, but i am coming round to the idea of a G60 slowly but surely, just don't want to regret it in the future.

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if you like it first time you drive it i dont think you will regret it coz they just get better when you get used to a car you know where your power is exactly and you learn how to drive it to get its best performance" IMO! ive had mine 3months and i just find it getting better and better like just general driving i go on different roads etc and it does different things that surprise me and theres power in places that i havent had in other cars! i love it! and the over taking power of the g is mental pick up in 3rd it screams round cars!

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Hmmm, I think your selling the idea of a G60 very well. I am coming round to them by the comments so far. After all it's the Corrado looks that attracted me to them in the first place, the power/speed and handling is all just a big bonus. I like to drive a car, not be driven so the suprises you talk about are very appealing :)

Any VR6 owners have any comments on why I might regret going G60 or even G60 owners who are considering changing to VR themselves?

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The G60 is nice because it has a supercharger which gives it a nice fearsome kick.


But the VR has room for a supercharger :D Sure you can figure it out ;)


People say the G is very tuneable, but from reading the forum, once you spend, usually £800 or so, on the engine, you may be pusing 220 bhp, but they never seem to last long!


Slap a Schrick or charger on a VR and, IMHO, it's a totally transformed beast.

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Cheers Trigger, I have been following this thread although I don't know if it helps..... out and out power isn't really what i am looking for although i don't want to buy a G60 and always wonder that i'd be having more fun in a VR!!!


From VR6's comments I am also thinking the G60 has that little bit extra that the 16V didn't offer me, maybe that's enough to keep me happy along with a car that is everything i want in the styling department.

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now your talking it will defo give you that bit extra over you 16v but you can at a later date put a 16 conversion on your g60 bigger ben has just started a thread on this now and he said it was really impressive and he has a 300bhp ihi turbo!

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Funny that, I have the impression that maintanence of the G60 would be alot more than the VR


Maintenance on the g60 engine should be cheaper even when taking into account charger rebuilds, there is alot more room in the engine bay and things are simpler, the VR6 will need timing chains replacing which is very expensive, alot of other vr6 jobs also require major dismantling just to get at things due to poor access etc.

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Cheers Andy T, I suppose all cars have there probs, but when you consider the charger only needs rebuilt once in a while and it would be a good excuse to take a road trip to the mainland, things are looking good for the G60!!

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The Hub, I've been watching this thread too. It definitely seem to be down to personal preference on the G60 or VR6 front.


I've own a G60 for around 4 years and have loved every minute of it. It's now feeling a little slow and rough for a daily driver. I don't drive it that much only do about 4,000 mile a year but I'm look for something a little more refined now (maybe it's my age!).


I've driven a supercharged MK3 VR6 and it was an absolutely amazing car to drive, smooth and relaxed around town then BANG when you put you foot down!


You've got to ask yourself want you really want. The thing is I still can't decide myself!!!

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lets put an end to all this.


get a vr and charge it mate. end of.....


You've missed the point mate, I wanted to go VR but a car has come up that I absolutley love.... only it has a G60 engine in it :?

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The Hub, I've been watching this thread too. It definitely seem to be down to personal preference on the G60 or VR6 front.


I've own a G60 for around 4 years and have loved every minute of it. It's now feeling a little slow and rough for a daily driver. I don't drive it that much only do about 4,000 mile a year but I'm look for something a little more refined now (maybe it's my age!).


I've driven a supercharged MK3 VR6 and it was an absolutely amazing car to drive, smooth and relaxed around town then BANG when you put you foot down!


You've got to ask yourself want you really want. The thing is I still can't decide myself!!!



I am thinking the extra power that the G60 will give me will keep me happy for a while and I should just enjoy the car and it's looks and then who knows!!! I'll maybe trade up to a VR in a few years time like you are considering.

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hub im biased but you seem like you do want a rocket ship and if youve found the corrado u love then you should buy it regardless and it just happens its got a quick engine in it" and then in 3 years of so if you still love it then you can always do 2.8 v6 24v engine conversion! or like you say swap it in anyway keep us posted and if you do buy it! get some pics on here asap! andy

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nah get a g60 and bahn brenner it!


Looks like i decided, G60 and go down the 16VG60 conversion route if i get bored :twisted:

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