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dammit crashed into

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Heading into to work and this prat in a punto decides to try and do a 3 point turn on a dual carridge way. So i pull to a stop and switch my hazard lights on.


5 seconds later i hear screeching tires and a crunch as someone planes into the back of me.....


Turns out the C has a small dent just below the badge - the front of the guys accord is a mess of smashed plastic. Now just have all the insurance bollox to go through.


Meanwhile the silly cow in the punto just drives off....



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blimey... sorry to hear abou this Luke! Did you get the Punto's reg? I just wonder if they can be held responsible for causing an accident due to their stoopid driving :?


Glad that your damage sounds light but deffo best to get it fully checked out - good luck mate! Will you still be along for the meet on Sunday?

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Cheers Phil - yeah it nothing to bad and only cosmetic - just shows what a tuff bast6rd the rado is :)


I did not get the punto's reg - I jumped out and shouted 'you need to stop love' but she just sheepily looked ahead and drove off. What a spineless cow, first she did an illegal move and then left the scene of the accident. I called the police but they said she had nothing to do with the accident, and to report her doing a illegal move i would have to go into the station and fill in forms, and as i did not have her reg nothing would porberbly come of it???

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i feel for you mate.

i've recently discovered that my C has a huge target painted on it in a special paint that only taxi drivers can see.


hope there's nothing seriously wrong with your motor :)

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cheers double-6s


Need to get it into a god body shop - it looks ok but who knows what could have been bent up behind the rear bumper.


Phil K, deffo will be there on sunday still - show off me war wounds!

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I'll bring some T Cut for the dent ;)


cool - ill bring the angle grinder and a fibre glass kit ;)

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Is the paint broken?

If not, i've used a paintless dent removal guy before, he's cheap and does good work!

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Is the paint broken?


Yeah there are some cracks around the perimeter of dent - just spoke with my insurance company and that put my mind at rest. They will look after all of the admin stuff and supply a rental car whilst its in for repair - the guy said it has to be the same model / spec or better then my present car - could this be an R32 for the week???


This just leaves me to find a good panel / spray shop in berkshire area who will look after my baby and do a good job.

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I assume that this tart then drove off the wrong way down the dual carriageway?

If so, lucky she did'nt have a much more serious head on collision with some poor sod.

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just shows what a tuff bast6rd the rado is



Couldnt agree more. Had a bump over xmas in my rado. An idiot in a MG (the big one 75 i think it is) decided to just pull out and slam it in reverse to back into his drive, ON A DUAL CARRIAGE-WAY. Any way i slammed into the side of him. My bonnet had a small triangle bend in it. Pass side bumper was broken. wing was dented. But managed to fix it all. Just need respraying. NOW, as for his. both drivers and drivers side pass dorr was buggered and his suspension had broken or something, couldnt move the car from the middle of the road. Im guessing its been wrote off cos its still not outside his house. HA funny if it was wrote off. :lol:

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I assume that this tart then drove off the wrong way down the dual carriageway?

If so, lucky she did'nt have a much more serious head on collision with some poor sod.



Well he managed to swerve to miss me - but then had to come back in as she was coming down straight at him in the central reservation (which resulted in his front offside hitting my rear drivers side). Poor bugger, still was his fault because he should have been looking ahead to give him time to brake...


Makes my blood boil when i think of it - just the way the idiot kept looking right ahead and drove off knowing full well she had just f**ked up two people. The kind of look a dog makes when its let one off and gets up and leaves the sitting room.

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so sorry about this L4

any cctv on the dual carriageway at all,just a thought.


why would she wanna 3 point turn on a dual carriageway FFS !



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cctv on the dual carriageway at all,just a thought.



Thats what i was thinking - i may pop along the police station tommorow to see if they can do anyting, but it did not seem that important to them when i called them earlier. TBH they kind of gave me an atitude for saying that she had helped cause an accident by performing an illegal move - as if was claiming to know their job better then they do.

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