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Dent in roof - B@stard Kids

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:x Some little shits have decided it'd be a laugh to run up the bonnet and over the roof of the rado this weekend. I'm gutted - I live in the in the middle of nowhere and still get shit like this from chavs.


I've managed to get the scratches out of the paint but there is a light dent in the roof. Its about 20 cms from the back, right next to the ridge that drops down to the black inserts. I popped the headlining down to see if I can push it out but its above the runner for the sunroof so I couldn't get to it.


Has anyone used those 'paintless dent removal - mobile bodyshop' guys?

Any ideas of what they charge?

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Sorry to hear about that.


I have, they're sopt on, mine usually charges £60 for the first pannel, then 30 for every pannel after that, if the pain't isn't cracked, they can usually get it as good as new.

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Its a really slight dent but I notice it straight away every time I look at it. Unsure what to do really, don't want to pay out loads to fix it for them to come back and jump on it again.


I'll have to do some surveilance.....Rambo style :snipersmile:

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Hmmm... the problem with the roof is that it is double skinned... worth a try tho...


I'm afraid it isn't. It's a single layer with brace straps. Only the sunroof aperture is double skinned where they folded the metal in. You can get under the brace straps though as they're just mastic'd to the roof skin.

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Nice one, hopefully I'll be able to sort it and have no more bother. If they do it again and really fuck it up I'll just run them over in it. Then they won't be laughing. :twisted:

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It doesn't matter if they can't get behind it, they can use glue and pull the dents out a little and then tap them flush!


Sounds odd, but really works!

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I know exactly how you feel, my honda civic coupe was written off the other week by a gang of socially challenged members of the underclass. Stamped on the bonnet, roof, kicked in the sides and wrote it off!!!!!

Got my carrado with the insurance money tho

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Sounds like they might be friend of the wing mirror kicker B**tards!! :mad:

I was thinking about getting dents removal done on mine I have little dinks all over! I was just a little bit worried as Ive been told they may drill little holes in places to push dents out etc? :?



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