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Anyone know what could be causing this????

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Hi all just drove back from Scotland last night in the rado. The question i have is sitting on the mway all was fine and around 80mph in fifth put the foot right to the floor and noticed a juddering feeling as it approached 100mph( as if there was no fuel getting to the car).I had this sort of problem before and took it to awesome gti and they replaced a " hall impulse sensor". The thing is i have just drove it today and it does not seem to be doing it. It sort of judders in 2nd slightly sometimes. Also when i was driving it back to manchester last night it wont do it if you progress to 100mph gradually. Anyone know what this could be. Need to get it on the VAGcom anyone in manchester not doin much today who has one to meet up and help me out!!!!!!! Get in touch. Or any tech advice to point me in the right direction to what the problem could be. Cheers. call me on , and i'll call you back.



Edit: Removed your mobile number now that you've solved the problem so you don't get weirdos calling you! :lol: - dinkus

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sounds like a dying fuel pump, as you get to higher speeds it needs to work harder and as they're on the way out they dont cope so well.

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Could also be MAF, lambda or engine temp sensors or something else. Many things can effect the fuelling. Need to get it scanned to start diagnosing properly.

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I am scanning it for imyhamid this evening so we will see what it throws up.

I suspect an Engine speed sensor or the MAF, but as you say the easiest way is Vag-Com. :)



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could also be your clutch. i had the same problem on a golf gti whereby when you got to 80mph the car would feel like it was coughing. changed the clutch and problem solved!

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Got it scanned the other night of jay (cheers mate hope the shoppin trip was not too borin). Well he did it and nothing came up so its going into awesome on thursday to see if they can sort the problem out. Everything is crossed hope its not too serious, want it all sorted and running the way it was before next thursday so i can take it too that Dub-preservation meet. Once again cheers jay for spending time on my motor.

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No worries. Shame its nothing obvious. Could as I mentioned still be the MAF as they don't always throw up a code, or potentially the fuel pump.



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Its all sorted, thank feck. Took it to awesome gti today for some reason i was crapin my pants thinking it would cost me an arm and a leg. Jim at awesome took it in stuck it on the Vag com just to double check that no faults would appear. Well nothing did so took it out for a test drive, came back them there was him and another mechanic under the bonnet. My heart seemed to be going ten to the dozen for some reason. After about an hour and a couple more test drive's Jim came in to the waiting area and told me it was all good. For some reason 1 or 2 of the leads were dodgy and not connecting properly or something along those lines. With that done he then told me no charge and i drove off once again with the biggest smile on my face. So all is well now and will continue too be. Cheers to Jim at awesome for fixing my pride and joy. And cheers to all who gave me some advice and help.

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Ah good stuff - sounds like whoever put your plug leads on hadn't fitted them with the proper tool. (and or they were a proper tool? :lol: )

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