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olly elworthy

what does this mean for us? no more modifications

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"extensively modified" eh, so that means and £extensive MOT, more like "expensive".


dunno about you lot, but I'l starting to get totally f*cked off with this government and the absolutely ridiculous amount of money thet want to take off me every year just for being able to drive a sodding car.


I've had enough, if they get any worse I'm just not going to bother any more.....









I'll emigrate!




No way man, Thats what they want, Clones all doing what they are told and paying lots of taxes, and the trouble makers being shipped out, F*&k em and everyone who looks like em. :x

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In spain you can only increase the power by 20%!! personally i suspect its a european law thats gonna come in.

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20%?!? oops... think my car may have missed that target a few times over then... :oops: :lol:

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I have read this thread on a couple of forums now and most people seem to say the same thing, most people think its good to stop the likes of chavs and muppet’s doing half assed mods on their saxo's which are unsafe. But personally I’m pissed off with the amount that I have to pay for motoring now, with petrol tax, road tax, insurance, mot's, and the price of mods aren't exactly cheap. With this new legislation we will be paying even more for a 'super' mot, and if all mods (suspension, breaks, steering wheels etc) will have to have a 'TUV' type test to check quality, then they will cost more to buy too. Now, I don’t want to sound like a cheap skate (too late for that now I think) but that’s just how my mind works. And, I would have thought all engine conversions would have to be carried out by a qualified mechanic, with receipts proving such.

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And, I would have thought all engine conversions would have to be carried out by a qualified mechanic, with receipts proving such.


Without wishing to offend any mechanics I am a lot more qualified and experienced than some of mechanics out there, why should I not be allowed to spec and build my own engine?


Because some whitehall wan**er decides that I can't? :mad:


(Sorry, just sucks a fat one if that is what they are going to do)

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my point exactly yandards, there are some vw 'specilists' out there that have been reported as using the wrong/dangerous methods when rebuilding engines or doing conversions (menthing no names coz i what to keep the thread on track) but they would be seen as a better/safer conversion then if done by yourself, even if you know what you are doing...

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The question then becomes: How do you define a "qualified mechanic"... I've got a BEng (Hons) degree in Mechatronics and am eligable to add MIEEE, MIEMechE and MBCS after my name too if I could be arsed to pay the relevent institutions money every year, but I'd never claim to be half as good a mechanic as a couple of my mates who do it day in and day out with only GCSE and City and Guild qualifications to their names...


On the other hand, I'm a shed load better than some of these "specialists" that are advertised in some papers and magazines... :roll: /not-blowing-own-trumpet


I do agree though that the cost of motoring in this country is just excessive and getting sillier... I wouldn't mind as much if the public transport system was up to any kind of usable form, but as it is, it cost me more than double my normal petrol cost (and that's in a somewhat highly tuned G60!) to get to work this morning on the train... :|

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Quite Henny, I can stick Eng Tech MIIE and LCGI something after my name if I want to.


My bug would be that my daily job means I need to work on and understand much more complicated systems than you get in a car and the consequences of a cock up are far greater if I get it wrong.

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surely these new tests would be similar to the tests that our Kit cars go through? (e.g Cobra replicas etc?) where they just go over the cars to check for sharp edges and that nothing is falling off or is likely to fall off? ive got a book in my bedroom somewhere, (underneath festering piles of socks and underwear) that tells you what passes and what doesnt in an SVA test. and from what i remember the most common thing they fail them on is the ally fuel fillers, as the curve has to be over a certain radius (or is it and arc, dont know im not to good at maths!) otherwise they can call is a sharp edge and fail it. so i dont think its anything to worry about. its only the saxo boys with tables strapped to their boots that need to worry!

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well, dunno about you, but I'm prepared to have another corrado, and clone my modifed one.


yes, use the identity on 2 cars, and take the standard one for the MOT's.


take the mods underground, don't let them beat us.

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