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Problem with VW Motorsport VSR Manifold

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I have just bought a VW VSR however when it arrived it did not have any of the parts to make it work, solenoid, vacuum tank, electrics etc. The flap mechanism is also missing and the hole where it should go is sealed shut. I'm not having much response from the seller and paypal dont want to know! Sooooo what would happen if I fitted it to my motor as it is???? Would there be any gain, would it act like a normal manifold but look pretty! Or would it in some way damage my engine having the flap closed on it 100% of the time???





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Have a word with Stealth, they may be able to source the parts you need altho they won't be cheap... I hope you didn't pay much for it!

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Get in touch with antera309 he was having some made by stealth using some old bits of mine as templates, as he was in the same boat as you. think he was making a few with the intention of selling them. Dunno how much tho. Won't make any real difference to performance without the flap etc all working.

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"Won't make any real difference.." ... true enough, if there's no flap present at all. If there is a flap present, however, and it's stuck closed, you will have a nice fat lump of torque (and pinking, most likely) at 3500rpm and no power at all above 4000...


But why would you bother fitting it at all until you've got all the bits together?


I am guessing the auction never mentioned the ancilliaries ... ? :(

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I bought it off a guy in Germany who was using ebay to strip his car of parts (ie advertise) So not bought on ebay. He had good feedback, his car was mag featured and he answered all my questions including wether or not the VSR came complete with all the parts to fit :roll: However that was obviously not the case. Have already had a word with antera309 who was very helpful :) So I reckon I could get most of the parts made at a large cost though (and I did pay a LOT in the 1st instance) However I cant see me being able to get the electronics made up to operated the flap at any sort of reasonabl cost at all :( So would there be any way round the pinking at 3500-4000 with a remap do you think? I know this guy had it fitted to his car I saw the pictures! Cant believe he put it on for 1 photo shoot????


http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... %3AIT&rd=1



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Leonard, If you paid by paypal, from your bank account, do a DD indemnity claim. you can pull the dd money back,

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Hi G60Jet


Whats a DD indemnity claim? I have already filed a report with Paypal and they dont want to know.



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Basically phone your bank and get them to reverse the dd, just make sure you send the goods back

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Ahh no, no good came off my EGG card, going to give them a ring today but I cant see me getting much joy from them either.





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They don't *all* suffer from pinking. Just some of 'em.

Anyway, that's only fixable with an ECU remap.

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We fitted a VSR to Gazmans car and then he took it to Stealth for the ECU chip and wiring / controller stuff to be done... He said it made a noticable difference, just the manifold but was told by Vince to 'go easy' for the reasons above...


He also has the unichip map for coilpack cars that came with it that he might sell if thats any use to you...

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Cheers Supercharged so as long as I go for a remap then its not a complete and total loss. Think I may go for my own map though rather than use someone elses, I was thinking of cams, 6 branch, hi flow cat as well.


So what does the opening of the flap actually do then above 3500-4000 rpm? Does it just help to flow an extra few horses at the top end :scratch:




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If the flap is not there, what you in fact have is a very expensive standard manifold. You won't notice a thing.


If the flap IS there, it defaults to "closed" so you get the low down torque but it may pink AND it will rob you of the high-rev power you're used to. i.e. you're now driving a hugely inefficient diesel. Great.


Honestly, the VSR is not worth using without all those control and actuator bits.


There's a couple of good threads from pre-history discussing at great length how the VSR/VGI works, have a dig around with the searchy thing at the top of the page.. ;)


If you wanna sell it to me though, I'll fit all the actuator bits off my Schrick. I'll give ya £50 for it, since you've been so nice about it.. ;)

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The green VAC tank looked exactly the same as ones found on carb golfs, the bracket would be easy to make also as this just mounts ontop of the fan relays...

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Cheers all, you have all been really helpful, feeling slightly better about it all now. Will call Vince on Tuesday and see what he has to say. :thumb right:



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You dont have some pics of yours do you Mike? Would be good to actually see what I'm missing. Are you happy with the performance? What engine spec are you running. I have a good mind to cut my losses and just buy a supercharger.




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I'ts due to be fitted on Wednesday...I bought it from a guy with a VR6 Golf in the US,.... all the bits appear to be there....but no reservoir or chip, the guy evidently ran his car without them.


My engine is a TSR Le Mans 3 litre with gas flowed big valve head, 6 branch exhaust and PiperCross filter. it's a bit short on bottom end torque, (which is why I bought the VSR), but pulls like a train above 3500 rpm .


I'll do some pics of the parts before it's fitted.

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Hey sounds nice always wondered about that motor 8)


Pics would be greatly appreciated m8 thankyou :notworthy:




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Help.....the manifold does not fit!!



Well, not strictly true...we got it to fit OK but the pipe connecting the throttle body to the airflow meter, ( part No 3A0 129 627 A) is the wrong one.


The original manifold (late model Golf) has an angle of about 30degrees off parallel to the block, the VSR has an angle of 60 degrees, and needs a slightly longer pipe with a shallower bend....I've managed to cobble it together and used a PiperCross cone filter off the MG, but I'm guessing aht I need the pipe from a pre 1994 Corrado for it to fit the air box.



Can anybody confirm this, perhaps give me a part number, or suggest where I could get one ?

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You need the early rubber intake hose, p/n - 1H0 129 627 E.


I suspect you have the later rigid plastic intake hose which is rubbish when using a VSR or VGI.


The throttle angle should be the same but it sits further toward the bulkhead and points down slightly compared to the standard manifold.


The rubber hose will sort you out.


If you can't find one, let me know as I have one spare.

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Yeah - the older rubber one is better because of the change in angle but you also need the shorter flexible plastic version of the S shaped pipe coming off it....

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