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Not the usual cutting out on a VR6 (Fixed)

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In the past few weeks my 93 VR cuts out, usually when on full throttle in any gear, but not always the first time i put my foot down, It only does it twice one after the other. its quite a violent jolt, not like when u hit the limiter and then it carrys on (Usually when im over taking as well!) Just dreading the time it happens when im mid corner.

It only happens after the first time i start the car and then it wont happen again until i turn it off again.


I end up trying to get it out of the way asap then i know it wont happen again :roll:


Recently its had new plugs, oil, K&N cone, Cam position sensor, battery, Fuel filter and has been on VAG-com


Anyone any ideas?



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bordeuxvr6, try replacing the fuel filter if it hasnt been done lately, a recent discussion on this subject revealed some right horror stories lurking inside the cannister

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ahhh the VR6 violent jolt syndrome! There's a few threads on this, I had it myself - as though all power is cut for a second, then back on?? Also started having probs starting the car as well.


I changed the ignition switch and cleaned the ECU relay and had no problems for 8 months. Then it started again just as I got off the Tunnel in Calais and started my journey to the Alps!! Then the starting probs again.


Put a new relay in at the weekend so am hopefull I've seen the last of this.

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Sorry forgot to mention that one. I was hoping it was just that, but i changed it last weekend and its still the same.

Was very scary to find i had not tightened a clip on the fuel pipe so when i started it loads of fuel sprayed out! :oops:


I found it did make a difference tho and felt alot smoother through the power afterwards.

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Yeah its just like loss of all power but for only a second.

Your problem seems to be when you let of the throtle tho and mine is when im on full throtle and usually above 4k rpm which seems to give maximum violent joint and maximum embaresment!


Which is the ECU relay and how much did it cost?


If its only cheap i may as well give it a try and see if it cures it.

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It's numbered 109 top middle, cost about £11 +vat.


You could try popping off the cover and giving the contacts a clean. Mine were a bit sticky after 11 yrs of operation. It could just be coincidental and I may find the problem comes back. If it does then I will suspect a fault with the ECU.

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Get it on VAGCOM when it happens - but make sure you LEAVE THE ENGINE RUNNING - whatever you do don't turn it off before scanning for errors. Once the engine stops turning you will lose any error codes that might be important. I had exactly this symptom and it was the dastek/unichip going dead - it was obviously wigging out and passing bollocks to the ECU instead of a sensible crank position signal...


Also replace that ECU relay!

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I've also had exactly that problem, violent jolt at when flooring it at 4K, feels like some gimp is under the bonnet yanking all the HT leads off, and then it kind of clears itself.


My problem turned out to be a completely fried MAF sensor. The signal wire was sending 12V to the ECU, when it should be 5 at the absolute most. It was OK up to 4K as the ECU just over fuelled and it was drivable, but at 4K when loads more air is coming in as the engine comes on cam, the ECU gets confused with the fuel to air ratio, runs out of adaptation options and shuts off the injectors, literally! Hence the violent shunt.


So I would put a meter across earth and the red lead of your MAF and make sure it's not giving a silly voltage. It should be at around 1.4V at idle.


I doubt that is your problem as it's very rare, but it's worth ticking it off the diagnosis list all the same.

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I'll give 109 a clean this weekend thanks.

Somthing else i noticed today on the way home is that it seems to do it when oil temp gets to about 80°C, maybe its just to do with thats when i put my foot down?


Also i recall when starting it a while ago i could hear the relays in the fuse box going mental and the rev counter bouncing up and down, but it still started in the same amount of time?

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Also i recall when starting it a while ago i could hear the relays in the fuse box going mental and the rev counter bouncing up and down, but it still started in the same amount of time?


Thats definitely a 109 problem - i had the same problem so change that and also clean the fuse panel contacts by spraying WD40 on the relay spades and reseating it a few times.

It can get dangerous if it cuts out when you're on a roundabout or something tho, so better safe than sorry, for only a few notes.


All the best.

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nice one, Gratz :)


good hustle team, and so on... ;)

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