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10 Things we hate on the road

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Jim - was the biker not a bit dazed and require a bit of 'getting it together' time? Someone should've moved the bike asap to get traffic going. And if Mrs Celica wasnt a nurse and checking Mr Biker was 'with it', then she shoulda fekked off.


Well Mrs Celica was actually a Mr Celica and he didn't seem to go over sort of looking at her in a sort of 'are you ok kind of way' - she was already stood up and didn't appear to have any side effects (I mean the bike might have just fallen over without her being in any sort of accident - I just got there at the aftermath) and they were stood laughing and joking for the 5 minutes or so I was waiting - certainly didn't appear to be anything wrong with the biker!


I'm really not that cold mate.. if she looked in some sort of distress i'd of been over there to make sure she was ok! :)

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I'll add one to the list...p1ssed morons.

There's a little section of York known by the police as 'Suicide Square' as it's bordered by late night clubs from which issue whole showers of tw@ts who are too drunk to see straight, straight into the path of oncoming traffic.

Should you have the audacity to remend them of your presence by correct application of the horn, they run towards you screaming abuse and shouting "cmmon then!"


1000kgs of car meets 100kg of moron.


I win!

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A particular one to my hometown: for anyone who's driven through Worcester on the A38, it becomes dual carriageway in Sidbury. Where you are held up at the large traffic light controlled junction at the meeting of Sidbury and City Walls Road, the two lanes are for different desinations. The left hand lane is for traffic going straight ahead on College St (or left up Edgar St). The right hand lane is for traffic going right onto City Walls.


Each lane is controlled by its own traffic light. There are two traffic lights. One is for the left hand lane. Its twin is for the right hand lane. They work independently, since there is a pedestrian crossing beyond the lights which can cause the light controlling the left hand lane to go to red before the right hand lane.


This really is very simple. One merely has to watch the light controlling the lane in which one finds oneself in order to see when one can or can't proceed.

Even for out-of-towners (and here I will concede that Worcester's traffic network is a warren of confusion), you should be able to clock the fact that there is still a green light in front of you, which must mean something.


They even made this all even easier to comprehend a few years ago, by replacing the round green lights in each set with a green arrow design, which points either straight ahead or to the right, showing when those lanes of traffic can and can't proceed...it shouldn't be asking too much that (if you are indeed from out of town) that you can link the green symbol in front of you to the big one painted on the lane you've just driven down and figure out that, even though there is a red light in front of you, you can still proceed...


However, people do fail to understand this, leading to unnecessary hold-ups, especially during rush hour.


Mind you, it's not exactly crime of the century, given that all you do is hold people up for a moment or two...


What is far more concerning is the flipside of people not paying close enough attention at these lights: the first phase of traffic moving on is for the left hand lane to be given the green straight ahead arrow, while the right hand lane remains at red. The reason? The opposite carriageway is about to be given the green light to go. If a driver blindly accelerates ahead to turn right there while their light is at red, they are about to drive across two lanes of traffic that's just been given the green light. I've seen people have close calls there, especially since the kind of doughnut who does this often does so like the hounds of hell are at his arse, which just gives him enough time to get in harm's way.

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Stuart, I think you should be a Traffic cop in an unmarked car, you'd love issuing some rough justice to all these gimps that P you off. I know I would :-)
You know it! ;)

We (you too)/I'd be the busiest traffic-copper in the UK, lol 8)


Wouldn't call it rough justice; more the opposite. Only the real idiots anoy me, but those people I'd pick fault at everything. Comparedto a decent driver with one fault, I'd be inclined to go easy on. I hear thats what a lot of cops do; shame there aren't many of those on the roads.


I wonder how many unmarked cars there are in any given area? I never see panda cars about my town except the ones that are meant for domestic jibbery and are oblivious to all sorts of naffy driving about them.


However, people do fail to understand this, leading to unnecessary hold-ups, especially during rush hour.


Mind you, it's not exactly crime of the century, given that all you do is hold people up for a moment or two...


What is far more concerning is the flipside of people not paying close enough attention at these lights: .

Exactly, I'd much prefer people to be careful than full on idot and cause a dangerous situation. I bit my tongue with the stupid people who are careful but when it comes to dangerous or blatant "up yours" attitude, then I get hacked! I've mentioned it once before, about women becoming more aggressive than before, more like blokes have been for ages, but with a twist. Its now 50(per) worse out there. Every Corrado for him/herself - I joke but its kinda true.

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people who look at bikes then pull out in front of them. THEN slam their brakes on realising what they have done thus blocking the entire road, leaving said biker to slam his brakes on endo right up to their door bounce off the car luckily back onto the bikes wheels no injury sustained to bike or rider. the rest i will not say for legal reasons IF that was me id have kicked seven tonnes a shoite outta that car!!

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Agressive Women & Teenagers

Ok, that’s it, I am stumped. Typical busy drive into work, gets topped off with a young aggressive woman driver. I am totally fed up with them. Scenario: today I made it in to town on the A38, which is two lanes, at 40mph, but is often a crawl of about 10mph, just like today. Often at traffic lights the right lane splits into 2 for 200yds and then narrows after the lights. For the majority, I never bother with that 3rd lane, as you only hit traffic again 100yds after the lights; bit of a cheeky manoeuvre that gets you no where. However, the last set of lights, most of the traffic has turned off and there is rarely any traffic once you’ve gone past these lights; so in this instance, using the 3rd lane can be useful. Sure enough today, Im almost at the lane split and see lane 3 is empty. The Mk5 Golf Gti moves to one side for me, it should now be a clear run up to the lights. However one of those MG hatchbacks is straddling the two right lanes, I put my nose alongside her car but decide its too tight to pass. Now what – best wait for the lights, nip past her and maybe the next car and slide in well before it narrows to 1 again. Oh I, she seems to be glaring at me. (Don’t worry love, Im not going to scratch my beautiful corrado and gets your car at the same time). Lights go green and I pass her with ease but think better of passing the MPV. Ooooer, she doesn’t want to let me in, ahhh well, she’s going to have to. Hmmm, she’s a better judge of distance than me, that seems a bit close. Not liking the situation, and seeing Im too close to the car infront Im contemplating dropping off the MPV. Looking in my mirror I can see her gesticulating to me, telling me to hurry up – but theres no where to go love, theres 6 cars ahead of us. Whilst in 2nd gear, I decide to let off, completely, meaning the C slows down very quickly. Sure enough she has a hissy fit.


Now for the odd bit. She rummages in her bag and picks up her mobile phone – with angry face – and proceeds to make a call, whilst staring at the rear of my car. Who could she be phoning? I’m thinking surely it can’t be plod, I’ve done nothing worng, at all; infact Mk5 Gti even let me past; the third lane is there to be used. So its her that’s in the wrong, committing an offense by using her mobile while driving.


Once in the office the penny dropped. We used to have a young lad work with us and he often told tales of being out late, and that if a car cut them up, they’d phone their mates, in close proximity, and get them to join up. For what reason Im not quite sure, as fights were never mentioned, but I got the general idea it was to intimidate people. If that’s what her phone call was for, then I don’t know what to do; at least in this instance I was soon off the road and parked up. But what gets me is that these boy-racer-ladettes seem to be taking the law into their own hands, and even getting it wrong – I never put a foot wrong – it was going to be a legit move. Time to buy a Hummer - LOL

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like when a tennager lady pulled out infront of me on a roundabout , she was giving me shit before i got out of the car as if it was my doing ? lucky for her she did't try to go anyware , but she did try to contest after she apoliges at the crash site, oh well i won anyway and she was on her mums insurance HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA AHHH . so i got a new C out of the deal and all my money back , and my no clames was not afected :D, had a nice hire car too SHAKING THAT ASS guess what one?


lost my speedy golf gti tho :(


good thing you can do is give them the lick , like you want to lick there puss , out of your car ,alltho might make them more mental or might get there puss out and it smells not right :D


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good thing you can do is give them the lick , like you want to lick there puss , out of your car ,alltho might make them more mental or might get there puss out and it smells not right :D



wtf - i take it you're not working today if you've been drinking?!!??! :lol:

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