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UK registered Corrado, rolled at the Nurburgring

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Anyone know anything about this? my mate just mentioned it and asked if I'd heard anything about it or if I knew who it was.


Anyone we know??

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I have been there a few times and seen two lads in a k reg vr

when is this supposed to have happened?

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Just registered and trying to find out a bit more about this. It was a very heavy crash that happened on the morning of May 1st.


The driver must have lost control exiting Schwedenkreuz and at some point must have rolled (a few times), and came to rest halfway around Aremburg.


The damage to the car looked pretty nasty, and I did see either the driver or passenger sitting on the barrier with a bit of claret coming from his head. When I looked at the car and damage to the guys head, if that's the only damage he got, then he should do the lottery this weekend!



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Sh!t a brick! That circuit is nasty! heard a Porsche 911 lost control and took drivers life along with 3 bikers!


Good news is the next again w'knd a british Saxo got wrote off with no harm to driver but plastic bodywork everywhere! Ha! 1 less saxo on the road!

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That's just rumours.


I think a car did come in to contact with a bike at the weekend, but fairly slowly. The biker did have to go to hospital, but is OK.

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shesh, the ring in a car would be scary enough. the ring on a bike at full chat would require a colostomy bag.

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I think people just need to remeber NOT to try and drive outside of their abilities.. we've all seen Sabine going round there but she has done around 15,000 laps of that circuit - but I bet it still nearly screws her from time to time!


Corrado's seem to be pretty damn good in accidents from all the wrecks i've seen whilst i've been on this forum and the amount of members who've survived to tell the tales - lets just hope this chap who stuffed his Corrado is ok!

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My Brother was there when it happened. The Corrado overtook one of his friends in an Elise on the brow of a hill then lost it, hit a high kerb and rolled four times. Driver wasn't badly hurt apparently, just very shaken (thank goodness).



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Thats a real shame but again glad the driver was ok! I tell you, the Corrado is a good car to have an accident in!

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Jesus that could have been so much worse, glad he got out of that one ok. Even though it rolled four times it just goes to show how tough the C is for an older car.

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Jesus that could have been so much worse, glad he got out of that one ok. Even though it rolled four times it just goes to show how tough the C is for an older car.


Looks like a Corrado is a good bet as a track toy...... far safer than my current Baked Bean Tin!


Apparently a new shape UK Impreza took out a crash barrier shortly afterwards, and got charged 2000 Euros for the priviledge, not to mention a couple of bikes down!


Not surprising I suppose as it rained most of the time, and even snowed a couple of times.

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That's the only thing about the ring....


Cheap when you go on...


Expensive when you come off!!!!!

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Yeah it has held together well considering. I think a roll cage is a wise investment when tracking a car even if you're not intent on thraping it round. Stops the car folding in on you and also strengthens it for better handling.


Nice ABT rims on it!

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