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Cazza's Storm- Gone :( ...S3 Has Arrived! :)

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Ah I'm need really up on my woods - Mahogony, Rosewood :offtopic:


Yet more specialist cleaning products called for then :)

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Think it's actually meant to be walnut- and it's hideous! Gonna make way for some nice CF trim :)


Dave, the body kit is from the Motegi special edition ;)

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Think it's actually meant to be walnut- and it's hideous! Gonna make way for some nice CF trim :)


Dave, the body kit is from the Motegi special edition ;)


It's a whole new world. Think I've had my VW blinkers on for too many years for a change now.

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Think it's actually meant to be walnut- and it's hideous! Gonna make way for some nice CF trim :)


Dave, the body kit is from the Motegi special edition ;)


It's a whole new world. Think I've had my VW blinkers on for too many years for a change now.


What do you think now you've driven it? (and when I say driven, I mean, DRIVEN! :cuckoo: :notworthy: )


Here's a couple of pics from last weekend- was a great day- thanks again 8)


Saw my old VR a couple of days ago (David, where are you?!). David, the new owner, is taking great care of her. Sounded awesome (as ever), when you drove off 8) .

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:lol: The top photo makes the VR look like a Matchbox toy! The Lude is soooo long.


Always good to have a go in something different. Certainly drives very well indeed, a bit unusual to begin with and the 4WS certainly would take some getting used to. But it felt very confident 'down the lanes' 8) . Took the VR down that route today and my suspension is waaayyy too hard for the bumps and uneven surface, the Honda just soaked it up and asked for more.


The 2.2 VTEC certainly likes the revs and the noise above 6k is highly addictive. Great choice Andy and hopefully a bit less outlay for day to day use. Think we could all do with a bit of that :)


Cooooollll Airwolfs on! Sorry got a bit distracted.


I'll bring your DVD's to the National Day, cos we both forgot :lol:

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Well, after much deliberation and after doing some sums, I've decided to sell the Lude. It's a great car and a superb example, but yet again, needs must. I'm going to have the vRS again 8) , which I actually prefer to the Lude anyway. Gonna get either a Focus or Toledo for Rach.


Should have easily enough cash left over to do our garden and, more importantly, get the vRS remapped 8) Will prob go to Performance Torque in Wolverhampton for a Stage 2 (suited to 'mild mods') which should yield in the region of 220 bhp and getting on for 240 lb/ft. Can't wait...


So the vRS will be running a Forge Split-R Dump Valve, BMC CDA, P-Torque Stage 2 Map. It's not all bad not having a C anymore!

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lol - you're more indecisive than I am Andy! And that's saying something!

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I know mate! Shouldn't have bought it in the first place really :( We need something that's cheap to insure and run. The Lude is plenty reliable, but pretty much the same as a VR6 for MPG and insurance. A 1.8 Focus or Toledo would be group 6-8 insurance and return 35mpg+.

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Andy, you are a joker! :lol: At least you've been lude now and can get it out of your system.


Would you be looking at the original Focus or the newer one?

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Original- 1.8 Zetec or 2.0 Ghia. Or a 1.8 20v Toledo. Tempted by the 2.3 V5 as it has a fantastic spec, but the mpg & insurance are too high. All from around 1999-2001. All can be had for £1500- 2500.

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Tempted by the 2.3 V5 as it has a fantastic spec, but the mpg & insurance are too high.


Yeah - stay well away if fuel economy is a concern. Mate of mine had a Golf V5 (later 170BHP version) - it sounded excellent and went fairly well but the economy was absolutely shocking! The engine seemed a bit fussy with bad coilpacks and sensors as well so potentially a bit of a money pit!

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Andy - if you ever get your hands on my Storm I shall insert a clause that requires you to hang on to it for at least 5 years :wink:

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As my missues would say you love that bloody car more than me :?

I'm sure i've said that a few times!!


I think it's a great looking car Cazza, love the shape and colour. A friend of ours had one a few years back and I loved it. Big respect to you for your reasons for getting rid of your C, I bet it was heart-breaking. You are a role model for all dads and dads to be :)


AQUAG60 is obviously secretly jealous :lol:



Yeah im so jealous and just hanging out to get me one of those, my children only ride in German machinery :hitler:


Its called preference or taste, its not racist or wrong, I just hate Jap cars, of any sort period


at least im honest and not sniffing peoples pants :lol:

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Yeah im so jealous and just hanging out to get me one of those, my children only ride in German machinery :hitler:


Its called preference or taste, its not racist or wrong, I just hate Jap cars, of any sort period


at least im honest and not sniffing peoples pants :lol:


It just seems such a ridiculous comment to make given the huge variety of marques (and subsequently models) available from Japan. I'd understand if you could ONLY buy Honda's with screaming 4 cylinder low capacity engines - but look at some of the stuff coming out of Japan these days, like the Lexus's, Nissan GTR & 350Z, etc etc - nice, big refined and impeccably engineered. Almost German.


But hey - you're entitled to your opinion. Even if it's nonsense ;)

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Nonsense? Why does some elses opinion have to be nonsense? its only the same as someone not liking red cars as they always go pink, or someone not liking burberry coz its chav


Nothing that comes out of Japan interests or inspires me to like or want one, speed, engine nothing, not when you can buy some Airien tin thats gonna be a whole lot better in every department


Next your be championing French cars :lol:


Im Loyal to a brand, simple as, obviously im alone :shrug: I have owned dubs all my driving life, been on the VW scene for nearly 20 years


seen nearly every conceivable attempt buy other makers to match vw`s cars and fail and dissapear only to be re designed into something else in another vein attempt, VWs are a bench mark for a LOT of other manafacturers to try to achieve


A 1000bhp skyline is fragile and lame, same as subaru, depreciation is horendous and look at the status of that now! went from being sold by farm machinery shops as a cheap 4x4 hack for farmers into a rally car, and now its as common as XR3i`s used to be in the 80`s and 90`s:lol:

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Yeah im so jealous and just hanging out to get me one of those, my children only ride in German machinery :hitler:



Kind of restrictive when it comes to trains and planes though :nuts: , although I believe the Germans once did a neat line in airships :?


No problem with you having an opinion but you sound almost paranoid about it which inevitably is gonna provoke a response - maybe what you're after?


Lighten up and have a look at the Citroen advert instead (unmistakably German, made in France) to get a sense of perspective and less invective

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Planes? random........but on the subject, The Merschershmidt ME109 was the first supercharged aeroplane, using the supercharger developed in 1905, incidently very simmilar in design to the one used on the G60 and the old Bentleys :lol:


Not quite as manouverable as a spitfire or hurricane but certainly faster and able to cope with higher altitude :grin:



And i NEVER say anything unless its gonna cause a conversation or debate :wave: besides that im sharing an opinion, and so far from that i have been called a racist, jealous and paranoid, those are obserations more akin to someone who is known personally to the commetnee, i prefer to talk about something i actually know about :lol:


This place needs livening up sometimes, all this "yeah i love it" "oh its so great" "oooh i love your carbon spoiler" is all a bit lame

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Next your be championing French cars


I'll champion cars from ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD provided they're good. France has made their fair share of good cars - cars like the Clio Williams and the Peugeot 205 are iconic and widely regarded as some of the best hot hatches ever made. There are probably many more but I don't think I have to list them all to prove my point. I like to needle french cars as much as the next person but i'm not that blind / naive that I think German cars are the only cars worth driving out there!


And you talk about depreciation?! Have you seen the sort of money you can by last generation M5's, Audi S4's, RS4's, RS6's, and Merc E55's for? Now THAT is what I call depreciation!


This place needs livening up sometimes


Agreed. I'm all for a little friendly debate :)

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Nothing that comes out of Japan interests or inspires me to like or want one, speed, engine nothing, not when you can buy some Airien tin thats gonna be a whole lot better in every department


You complain about people saying you're racist, yet you use words such as 'Airien' (pretty sure you meant 'Aryan' ;) ) which has definate racist conotations, and could quite possibly upset people (such as Jews).


German cars better in every department? :lol: Honda and Lexus (along with Skoda) have been top of all the readers surveys (Top Gear, Auto Express etc) for the last 5 years, whereas VW, BMW and Merc in particular are much further down the chart. Surely readers' surveys offer the most 'real life, accurate' opinions of what car ownership actually entails? Don't get me wrong, I'm a Dubber at heart, but you're very blinkered.


At the end of the day, you need to get some manners. I would never go in someone else's Gallery thread and slag of their car- end of. It's just rude at the end of the day. You're totally entitled to your opinion, but express it somewhere else rather than cluttering up my thread with rude, racist, ill-informed, badly spelt claptrap.

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Andy - if you ever get your hands on my Storm I shall insert a clause that requires you to hang on to it for at least 5 years :wink:


I think I would be keeping the Storm for a fair old while if I ever got my hands on it!


Jim, yep, everyone says how poor the MPG of the V5 is. Shame!

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Not quite as manouverable as a spitfire or hurricane but certainly faster and able to cope with higher altitude :grin:





Spitfire IXB (Merlin 66) or XIV were vastly superior to the ME109. Faster, able to out turn and out climb the German plane which also suffered from occasional wing loss in high speed dives - which was bit of a quality control issue negating the altitude advantage somewhat :lol: Although I believe some Spitfires were fitted with high altitude superchargers and ran rings around the ME109s over 25,000 feet over Malta. :eek:


Apologies for cluttering the thread Andy. Hurry up and get your next mota so we can move on to whatever that brings up:)

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So the vRS will be running a Forge Split-R Dump Valve

I would steer well clear of the Split-R unless you're a fan of the engine management light and 'limp mode'! Fit a Forge 007P and save yourself a lot of headaches.

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So the vRS will be running a Forge Split-R Dump Valve

I would steer well clear of the Split-R unless you're a fan of the engine management light and 'limp mode'! Fit a Forge 007P and save yourself a lot of headaches.


Cheers, chap. Already got a Split-R. Aparently they're OK if the spring is set absolutely spot on. Otherwise I'll just use the blanking plug provided, which basically turns it into a 007 :) Have you got one on your Leon?

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Nothing that comes out of Japan interests or inspires me to like or want one, speed, engine nothing, not when you can buy some Airien tin thats gonna be a whole lot better in every department


You complain about people saying you're racist, yet you use words such as 'Airien' (pretty sure you meant 'Aryan' ;) ) which has definate racist conotations, and could quite possibly upset people (such as Jews).


German cars better in every department? :lol: Honda and Lexus (along with Skoda) have been top of all the readers surveys (Top Gear, Auto Express etc) for the last 5 years, whereas VW, BMW and Merc in particular are much further down the chart. Surely readers' surveys offer the most 'real life, accurate' opinions of what car ownership actually entails? Don't get me wrong, I'm a Dubber at heart, but you're very blinkered.


At the end of the day, you need to get some manners. I would never go in someone else's Gallery thread and slag of their car- end of. It's just rude at the end of the day. You're totally entitled to your opinion, but express it somewhere else rather than cluttering up my thread with rude, racist, ill-informed, badly spelt claptrap.



:lol: so thats not your car on pistonheads then?

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*Sigh* :roll: :sleeping: Erm, yes, it is :? As stated before, we can't afford to run a second car that is group 17 insurance and returns less than 30mpg. Problem with that?

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