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Fifth Gear moves up a gear?

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I know a lot of us do not like this much sometimes, but did anyone else think this week's edition was very good?


The story about Honda's development of the hydrogen fuel cell car on the "Bond villain" type island which has a surplus of hydro power due to its low population and 10,000 millimetre annual rainfall was fascinating.

Test drive of car by the fat bearded chap showed it was very quiet, 0-60 in about 13-14 seconds and he was told it had top speed of 100 mph.

Pretty ordinary looking but functional car with only water vapour coming out of the exhaust and the performance of a 1970s 1600cc coupe like the Opel Manta or Ford Capri. That is impressive new technology IMO.


On the lighter side, the bit about "paparazzi" types getting sneaky early pics of new British cars like Astons, Jags and Range Rovers was interesting. How dare those security types stick there noses in to ask why pictures were being taken on a public road from a public layby of "their" vehicles. Cheeky gits!


Program is repeated tonight on Ch 5 at midnight.

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Yeah, was thinking that it was a pretty good episode last night!


Some pretty funny bits in it too!


The Vrs v's the GTi reversing challenge around the track was pretty daft and pointless though :roll: :?

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Last week they got an S6 and took it on the Autobahn to see if it would do 155...why? Was there any point to that.


Then this week, someone must have jokingly said let's do the course in reverse and instead of considering it for 2 seconds then dismissing it they went ahead and did it.


They should chop it back to 30 mins and spend time thinking how to squeeze links into the show rather than having 1 hour and wondering how to fill it.


Anyone else notice how the first advert comes in after 5 minutes of the show and that the answer is always A.

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Must start watching 5th Gear again - they've had some good features lately!


I just never remeber though - I struggle to remeber Top Gear as it is!! :)

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I never usually rate it tbh, but that story sounds quite interesting, I'll set the Sky reminder (poor mans Sky+) when I get home.


cheers :)

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I too was baffled as to why driving an S6 @ 155 deserved any sort of feature.


I was also thinking - why bother with the reverse track time crap. Figured it out : they wanted to give the cheaper car away ( Skoda )so devised a head to head in which it would come out top. Driving in reverse is the only thing they could come up with !


Seemed like a great way to fuk an engine tho...

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that had a similar thing on 'Vroom Vroom', how far can you drive a car in 1st gear on the limiter.......



1 mile

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I thought Vikki Butler Henderson was reason enough to watch it? (Cant even remember if thats her name, but you know who i mean. The rally driver chick with the husky voice)

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The Vrs v's the GTi reversing challenge around the track was pretty daft and pointless though

Yes - agree with that, Dec.


Guy whose Storm I bought, traded it in for Octavia VRS, would have like to have seen straightforward :roll: look at new one's performance.

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The rally driver chick with the husky voice


She was squealing last night, DEL VR6 - you would probably have blown a gasket!

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I find it a bit embarrassing at times when it tries too hard in copying TG - they tried a digital lap board at one stage - Two things annoy me though --an ad break five minutes into the program and those bloody competitions from which they triple their money and give odds worse than the likelihood of John Prescott earning an honest crust :roll:

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1 mile eh - well - you learn something new every day. (like never to watch 'Vroom Vroom')


you've missed nothing


and I missed 5th gear cos I was drinking :(/:)

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those bloody competitions from which they triple their money


Found out that O2 Online can't/don't bill me for the 81555 number - so I always enter!

You never know - even better if free ;)

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Think it has to be O2 Online, with their mega text deals... Different billing system.


I always enter the 5th Gear and Gadget Show competitions - and I've never had a charge for Premium texts on my account - they always seem to come out of my free allowance (all 1000 of 'em!).

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Apart from what has allready been said, I get the feeling that Tiff ain't that bothered anymore, and seems to be going through the motions a bit. Still it was nice to see him look a bit more enthusiastic this week behind the wheel of the new vet.

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aye - so both clarkson and Tiff rate the 'vette as a blinder. I also see that it came 3rd in the the Evo CoTY ( was re-reading it last night -presume its the same one? )

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