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*****Attempted Break In*****

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went to my garage today to get the car out and discovered that some one has tried to break into my garage. they have bent the bolts and scratched the locks with what looks like saw marks. once i got into the garage i also noticed a long piece of wire (very thin) with one side attached to a thicker style paper clip bent has a hook to pull something, and the other side with a similar clip double bent back on itself (like a lock pick). lucky they didnt get into the garage,,, but ive got a bad feeling theyre going to come back with more (better) tools...


Really fackedd off and going a bit scarface atm, dont know what to do, just cant believe the car could actually get stolen from right in front of me.


Told the cops but they cant do anything unless i find out who it is.. but surely if i knew they wouldnt need to be called anyway.


Anyone know what else i can do?

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Get some of those hidden bolts that are driven into the ground either side of the door, my mate has some on his garage with his cossie in. The only way they are getting in then is through the roof.

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Is it a rented garage in a block or actually near your house with separate access for you to get in and out?


If its in a block, its trickier to re inforce from the inside as you only have one way in and out.


Assuming its an up and over type door with a lock that works on a wire, you could put a length of metal along the top edge - to stop anyone from getting into the gap and snipping the wire and getting in that way.


If you can, put a couple of hefty bolts either side of the door on the inside.


Shitter mate - pisses me off when people rob stuff :mad:

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You have to plan a way to catch them, dismember them, dump them and have an alibi to cover you in the event the cops come knocking.


Sleep in the garage. Set up some supplies, you will need food and water and somewhere to pee. Plastic sheeting, bleach, binbags, a saw, bat and a change of clothing.


Find somewhere to dump the body parts in advance and sort out your exit strategy. Read the crappy free TV supplement from a Sunday Paper so you have a good idea of what was on TV on that particular night (maybe get someone to post on this Forum under your username), and borrow an estate car (easier loading/unloading).


Nah seriously mate that sucks. Is it a council garage? Anywhere you can rig up CCTV?

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council garage... got 2 bolts and std lock... i think the bolts have kept them out for now

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THATS SOME BAD NEWS MATE - every noise you hear at night from now youl be up at the window, i know i was when the same happened to me a few years back.

More heavier locks and bolts will be worth it.

These are exactly the people who should be victims of the new 'stabbing culture', not the innocent folk. :-)

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If you have a electric supply in there (light etc) you could easily power a decent burglar alarm, they are dirt cheap to buy direct and easy to wire.

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marcus, heavier locks wont do much as their going for the metal bolts and their cuffs rather then the locks,, makes sense in a way

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Possibly a bit expensive frukz but is probably worth it for peace of mind.




or maybe



You can fit this cheapo alarm system, its only £11.99 and runs off a battery - should be enough to make them stop and run if they do get in past the door



4 x heavy duty bolts in each corner should slow them down as well.

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These are exactly the people who should be victims of the new 'stabbing culture'




I would have thought you could secure a garage door, if you only have one means of access this limits it as the bolts will me on the outside.


bigger bolts is the only thing I can suggest tbh


that and disabling the car, the usual removal of leads etc, takes no time to put them back when you get to the car, and not the item a thief is gonna carry around

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Game keepers bolt, it’s like a slide bolt with a spring on that sets off a shotgun cartage (without the shot) it’s harmless and legal but makes a hell of a noise, I had my garage broken into so I have one rigged so if they open the door it goes off. I forgot about it and set it off the other day, it made me jump (sh1t myself) in the middle of the day so imagine what it’ll do to them + it will alert any one else to have a look outside. Think it cost me £20 with 10 cartridges, got it from an old style hardware shop

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going for a garage defender now... found a ebayer local so going to try and get one tomorrow

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feckers! :mad: ! i hate thieving bastards :evil:


THATS SOME BAD NEWS MATE - every noise you hear at night from now youl be up at the window, i know i was when the same happened to me a few years back.


thats so sadly true... :( i havent slept properly since someone set my immaculate mk2 gti on fire.



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i have enough trouble sleeping already,, not easy trying to sleep in the car too :cry:

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It's pure jelousy, man I'd be pissed if they done anything to yur car.


Prob is, if you caught them and gave them a hiding, you'd be in the shit! grr!


Thought about getting CCTV?

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It's pure jelousy, man I'd be pissed if they done anything to yur car.


Prob is, if you caught them and gave them a hiding, you'd be in the ****! grr!


Thought about getting CCTV?

the incident above was caught on cctv,police didn't do feck all as per usual 8)


furkz,id be ready m8,ive known scumbags like these to come back the night after,and the night after that...

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its sad but true!! the police dont give a shit about this sort of thing, even with blantent evidence like a cctv tape! they have other things to worry about like trying to recapture all the asylums that should be in jail.....


This sort of thing really winds me up, personally i am seriously thinking about emigrating within 10 years, this country is doomed.... i mean we dont even have an econamy anymore, let alone nhs.. i could go on and on but...


Just make sure you keep an eye out for these scumbags to come back over the next few days, they probably wont come back but either way contact the police and let them know you want a patrol car outside you house for atleast a week! :)

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Its a sad state of affairs we find ourselves in in this country.. robbing w*nkers.


Good luck with whatever solution you implement Furk'z... hope it keeps the pikey w*nkers away.

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This is why the garage I am now using when the car is back is WELL bolted and I have ordered a security post for behind the door! Also I have booked the car in when it gets back for both a new alarm and a tracker!

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sorry to hear this mate, give them what the deserve


can you not borrow tiger/lion from a local zoo? but I do like the idea of mains voltage on the door

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Furk - I presume they are just after the Corrado and not some other bunch of spangly stuff - either way, try to keep such items out of sight in future.


Did you say what sort of garage it is?


a) If you've got a small side/back door into the brick built garage, then you have to worry about that too. But it would allow you to dead-bolt the main garage door (from inside) - BIG f***n scaffolding bar. Then secure the small door as best as your house.


b) If its only one door, like mine, then I'd get an alarm. I've got a wireless sort, just over £100, that I can take to my next property and not worry about cables etc. You could even get one that contacts your mobile phone, closer to £200. Probably worth considering a type of alarm.


c) If your garage attaches to the house, then great. Leave the house-door open a buy a BIG angry dog !


d) Worth considering a tracking device for the C? (I've used a lower spec item: Datatag)


NB: Having said all that, if they are very determined to get your garages contents, they will. My unkle bought numerous security roller shutter doors that kept being broken into. Finally he got a super-dooper locked door and alarm system - the fekkers proceeded to ram-raid the back wall, by driving through the rear wall with a 4x4 ; but luckily the alarm went off and they scarpered.

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Furk'z, Sorry to hear about the Pikey attack.

Pikey scum that thieve cars ... I wont say what evil stuff I'd like to happen to them!


Get some F'off security on that door ASAP! As I hope their not persistant feckers.


Result of the car being seen in PVW????

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