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G-mans Rallye Project..

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ah nice, be good to see a g-works fettled rallye. I guess they're a bit too rare to go too far with, then again, they dont really need much to look special do they!

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Yeah about time that rallye got a look in....LOL :D


What are your intentions with the car then daz??

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ah nice, be good to see a g-works fettled rallye. I guess they're a bit too rare to go too far with, then again, they dont really need much to look special do they!


Well its staying 4cyl with a supercharger and lhd. Not to many body mods just a little smoothing here and there.. the rest will change quite a bit though espically now im past the planning stage :lol:

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:cool: good shizzle dude, you planning to race prep it? or just make it a mad daily drive?


It will be more than capeable to do trackdays but will be pampered too.. :lol:

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Well if its taken you this long to plan it then god!! its gunna be amazing! LOL :-P


Cant wait to see how it will end up! I must admit i do have a soft spot for the rallye, especially on Splitties!

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sweet,bet that would cost me a few dollars,i need a new job,you get to do things to ya car an i get a box of dishwasher tablets,air freshners an other household crap........no justice :lol:


anyone for a litre tin of brasso or a bottle of cillit bang? :lol:

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Looking forward to seeing it! Keep us updated!


Always had a soft spot for the Rallye! :)

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Looking very nice Darren, as to be expected under your care.


Hope to be seeing you about porting my head too now you have put the idea back in my head, damn, there goes the paying off the credit card again, lol


Let me know when you are leaving for Inters

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looking great so far m8, cant beleave you could keep that under a cover for a year without working on it! know i wouldnt be able to keep my hands clean for that long!

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Good to see this one's coming along Darren - look forward to seeing the finished article...

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About time you got that car out of the corner and did something to it :-)


Liking the big valve head, i want one :-)


You can have one ian, No problems just give me a call.. :lol:

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Don`t tempt me, please :lol: spend far too much money already :oops:


Do you think i should get an uprated intercooler first ?

That was my plan, intercooler then the head.

Might be changing jobs soon hopefully, so everything is a bit on hold

but will be calling soon :-)

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