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clifford or toad

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I've got a Clifford....happy with it (although given the choice gain I'd go for a Cobra or an Autowatch)


Which ever one you get, make sure you get reputable fitter to fit it. Well established independents retails are normally a good bet.

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I have a Toad and have had zero problems with it in three years!


I've heard nothing but bad things about Clifford alarms not working properly and causing major pains in the A**!....so I wouldn't touch one with a barge pole anymore!

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Agreed. Had 3 Cliffords over the years and they've all been rubbish. I even ripped one out and reinstalled it myself properly but they're just pap full stop.


Had an Autowatch on for 2 years now and it hasn't gone off falsely once.

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out of the two 100% toad, as cliffords are rubbish, i have had sigma's for the last 4 cars/6 years, and never had a problem either.

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The quality of Cliffords all depends on the install and which one you have.


I've been looking it loads recently as about to install a new alarm and also a tracker on mine.


It seems that you need to avoid the Intelliguard 950 (the expensive one) as it has the tilt sensor and the glass tamper sensor. These are teh problem devices apparently. The Alarm to go for is the Concept 650.


The thing I like about it is the Black Jax anti Hijack.


Second thing going on my car is a Tracker device so if it does go it is monitored 24/7 and the vast majority of cars with them are retrieved undamaged.

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Got a Toad alarm on mine and have never had a single problem with it.


Seen loads of posts about dodgy Cliffords, but don't recall a single post about a Toad going wrong.

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The thing I like about it is the Black Jax anti Hijack


Whats that then?


The autowatch 160 has a anti-hijack system ( you can set it so the doors lock automaticaly 5 secs after you've got in the car). Autowatch are apparently a South African company , so it's pretty important to them to have anti - hijack! .

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Black Jax, it's a bit of a pain in some respects, but whenever you open the door you put in a code. That way, if someone tries to hijack the car, you can let them take it. It lets them go about 3/4 of a mile, waits until the car slows right down then cuts the engine so you can't restart it.


Combine that with a Tracker, you can just let them take it knowing they wont get far.


It may be a bit of a pain, but I've put alot of blood sweat tears and money into my car to risk it going in any method!!!!

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I have a TOAD Ai606 and have never had a problem with it, also had Meta and Sigma in previous cars without any faults.


Old Cliffords like Concept 50x are great but anything from G4 series onwards are not that reliable. The main control boxes are way too complicated and riddled with glitches (probably use Microsoft software!).

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The autowatch 160 has a anti-hijack system ( you can set it so the doors lock automaticaly 5 secs after you've got in the car). Autowatch are apparently a South African company , so it's pretty important to them to have anti - hijack! .


Doesn't work with the VAG vacuum C/L system though. You can increase the pump trigger pulse to a second though, but it still doesn't work. They work best with electric solenoid actuators that just need a pulse. There is something odd about the vac system.


The Clifford concept 300 I had didn't like it either.

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Currently have a Clifford on my S2. Would NEVER have another by choice.


Vote TOAD - have had 3 now, and not one has let me down (or got me up) once unecessarily.


Everywhere you look people are complaining that their cliffords are playing up. And always there are others saying it is down to bad isntallation etc...... excuses! try using the SEARCH function on this forum and others like talkaudio.


heres one to start you off:


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The autowatch 160 has a anti-hijack system ( you can set it so the doors lock automaticaly 5 secs after you've got in the car). Autowatch are apparently a South African company , so it's pretty important to them to have anti - hijack! .


Doesn't work with the VAG vacuum C/L system though. You can increase the pump trigger pulse to a second though, but it still doesn't work. They work best with electric solenoid actuators that just need a pulse. There is something odd about the vac system.


The Clifford concept 300 I had didn't like it either.



Errrr, It worked perfectly the one time I tried it out , i've had an Autowatch 160 fitted to 3 of my Corrados but only tested it on one ( 1995 M Reg ) and it worked fine :scratch:

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Anyone know of good alarm fitters in birminham? is TOAD Ai606 thatcham cat 1 and does it have dual zone prox warn away?

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I think the 2 main ones in Birmingham are either Bass Junkies on the Coventry Road just past ASDA but they only do Clifford.


Or RS Audio that do all of them (Toad, CLifford, Tracker and RAC Trackstar). http://www.rsaudio.co.uk/ 86 - 88 College Road

Perry Barr B44 8DA I would always use a fitter that has a permanent premises so you always have somewhere to go if it goes wrong.


But why would u want warn away. Thats one thing I will not have activated on mine. They annoy me when you stand somewhere and the car starts beeping at you "because your standing to close" - I'll stand where the *ell I like thank you!!!

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Blue_Joe, lol thats a good point about the prox senor i think i might leave that option out, Have you thought about which alarm you will be getting. Ive been reading threads on TOAD Ai606 sounds like a cool alarm, however not hearing much on the clifford. But i dont know why i still want a Clifford 650.

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I'm still very tempted with the Clifford 650 due to the Anti Hijack etc. But whichever goes on I'm definatly putting a tracker on it!


Prox sensors just make me stand closer to set them off! And lets face it, it's not going to make people move away from the car are they?

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Thats ture i know i wouldn't move just because the car is beeping. I think im gona go for the Toad. Checked out the link quite useful cheers mate.

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Currently have a Clifford on my S2. Would NEVER have another by choice.


Vote TOAD - have had 3 now, and not one has let me down (or got me up) once unecessarily.


Everywhere you look people are complaining that their cliffords are playing up. And always there are others saying it is down to bad isntallation etc...... excuses! try using the SEARCH function on this forum and others like talkaudio.


heres one to start you off:



The fitter never even connected the movement sensors etc in this case, which makes you wonder what they did when i came to the wiring!!


Not so much an excuse as a fact im afraid, when fitted properly Cliffords are great, problems occur of course which will be down to software, faulty manufactuer etc, but no more than any other bit of retrofit electronics in a moving vehicle...

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