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The Jailor's Charged VR6 ...... No More /Sob

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I'm not usually that keen on blue 'raddos (no offence to anyone) but that looks absolutely stunning. I notice you said you sharpened the pics in photoshop - did you do anything to the colours, or use any filters? Perhaps I've just never seen a blue raddo in decent sunlight before.


Anyway, your car looks superb - are you sure you actually drive it?

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Lol - I've not done anything to the pics other than the auto-levels/auto contrast.


It gets driven - not much though! :)


Cheers Chris :)

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Just had to bring this thread to the fore again and say that next to such exotica like the UPS Corrado and so on, this has to be one of my personal favourite Corrados - there isn't a single thing on it I'd change - and for me, that's saying something!


Good work fella... :)

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Wow, thanks dude :) Always nice to receive an unexpected compliment 8)


I suppose this would be a good opportunity to bin a few of the 'charger pics on...... (with some of Kev's comments :lol:)

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VR6 is indeed a git, stunning colour, stunning seats, stunning wheels, and a big charger bolted on.....GIT



Im not a fan of your plates, but if I come over to steal it (( I hear none of you lock your cars out there )) they'll be going anyway :wink:

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The car looks absolutely stunning, IMHO one of the best corrado's on the forum....would love to see this in the flesh….next time you’re at a show, I’ll be there……very interested to see Kev’s car too also a personal favorite….keep up the good work.


P.S. - Some of the pics will be kept for desktop backgrounds on my PC, hope you don't mind.

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The car looks absolutely stunning, IMHO one of the best corrado's on the forum....would love to see this in the flesh….next time you’re at a show, I’ll be there……very interested to see Kev’s car too also a personal favorite….keep up the good work.


P.S. - Some of the pics will be kept for desktop backgrounds on my PC, hope you don't mind.


Tom doesn't go to many shows mate - being on the Isle of Man it sorts of isolates him from the rest of the 'real' world :D

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That’s why they call him the Jailor I guess....well he does need to put some miles on the clock, attending a show could be the perfect excuse :lol:


Don’t keep the car hidden away mate, bring it to "the world at large" - I'm sure many would be keen to take a look.

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you running 205/40 on your 8x17 splits?




Thanks for the nice comments. Kinda makes me want to get back into modding it again.


Got to be honest, I just really can't be bothered with it at the moment, for absolutely no particular reason!


I have plenty of things to do with it but I just can't work up the entusiasm. Still enjoy driving her of course.


Still can't shake the urge to get an R32 or a TVR or something similar.

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Ah yes, I think you're right G - 215's I plumped for in the end. Thought 205's would be a bit tight.


IOW - removed wiper and mech, took it to a bodyshop and they removed the rear screen (supposedly - forgot to ask if they actually did this) and flattened and plated over the hole. Really like the results.

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i really like the way the done it too on yours as i have a horrible bung in mine!


but thopught that it would be a silly quote to take glass out and refit as they would have to cut it and then weld back in


was yours expensive fella?


seriously considering doing it when i get a few bits tidied up next year

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Cheers guys :blush:


IOW - I had it done when some wench in a car park decided to mod my bumper and arch a little bit (was only surface damage) so I had the rear flushed when that was done. So I'm not too sure about the cost, but I don't think it was all that bad, and a very good job from what I can tell.


However, not sure if they removed the screen (forgot to ask) but he mentioned it would probably have to come out.


TVR is certainly an appealing prospect but I don't think I could part with my loyal steed though.


Think it must be time for the next evolution....only thing stopping me is the money!

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