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FAO anyone from northants with a vr6 rado

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I am going to be getting a corrado vr6 within thenext few months hopefully. I love the cars but i have never been in one or drove one.


So therefore i am asking to be taken for a ride in someones rado vr6 (standard prefered) so i can see what they are like, and maybe to have a little drive. I would appreciate it very much. I can come to you and will even pay for fuel.


Anyone willing?




Rob H.

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sorry you wont find any girly vr's round here mate (im in bedford) we're men in g60's!! :lol: :onfire:



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im in andover a fair bit, but im not sure where you are ?

ill be going to Bristol on sunday for the volksfest thingmy


cant beleive you went there billinjah ! i prefer the low down torque of the g60

but i cant give up the howl of the 6!

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Hi mate, im in northampton and i have a standardish vr. just has a zorst and induction kit. If you fancy a blast let me know.




Oh and welcome aboard as well!!!

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Hi mate, im in northampton and i have a standardish vr. just has a zorst and induction kit. If you fancy a blast let me know.




Oh and welcome aboard as well!!!


Yes mate that would be great thanks. Where abouts are you in n'hampton and when would you be able to do it? cheers


Thanks for all the replies everyone and for the welcome i just cant wait to be on here talking bout my own rado :D Oh and i would also prefer the growl from the v6 to the G60 plus it was mentioned on top gear so that kinda won me over lol

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lol, the Hamster is now selling Rados.


welcome aboard mate, I'm the otherside of Oxford to you, but I am sure you'll get sorted with some of the local guys, and get down to the MK meet with Bally


btw, have you checked Insurance yet? (you know they are group 18?).


most places I spoke to won't touch you if your under 25, and some go upto 30. I just mention this as your age says 20.


I think Andi sorted his out when he was quite young, but you'll have to do some digging mate.

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btw, have you checked Insurance yet? (you know they are group 18?).


most places I spoke to won't touch you if your under 25, and some go upto 30. I just mention this as your age says 20.


I think Andi sorted his out when he was quite young, but you'll have to do some digging mate.


Wise words there - I was a fully paid up memeber of the 'buy it now and worry about insurance later' club when I bought mine and for 24 with 5 years NCD it thankfully came in at just under £500!!


Check it first!!

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Mine is £1150 with elephant, not cheap!


Thats about what im looking at.


I dont mind insurance as im still gunna be living at home, im still at uni and am just starting a year work placement where im earning good money so i just wanna have some fun while i got the dough then get a sensible car after uni when i think bout getting my own place etc. I might even keep the rado as s project car :D

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