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A few accidents on the N

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2 days ago, the Nürburgring had a few tragic accidents on the Nordschleife (the bit that's open to the public):




OK, it's all in German, but that picture says a lot. What's happened is that a motorbike lost control of his bike, fell, another one rolled right over him and fell, a following Porsche Boxter managed to avoid the accident, and drove on, 2 following motorbikers hit the scene, and fell, 2 following cars (BMW M5 and Porsche 997) manage to brake in time, but a Ducati then hits the Porsche at full speed (this section of the Nordschleife is where you can achieve speeds of 260 km/h or more). The Nordschleife was closed for only 1 hour, after which a mate of mine (Sciroccoforum) went on with his Mk2 Rocco and observed further accidents (Dutch Alfa Romeo hitting a barrier with rear of his car, engine failures of 2 other cars). Comment: It seems the winter has lasted too long, people are gagging to give it some on the Ring with partially very dire consequences.





Mod Edit: Link Shortened. VR6

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After having got into bikes last year, then falling off my own bike at the TT last week I can see how easily done this is. hence why I will not go anywehre near the nurburgring without a full welded in roll cage.


crashing your car is one thing, walking away unmarked is another. one i can live with.....the other, I don't want to chance.

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always accidents there,,

mind you tehre are so many people going out each day its just statistics


i am off over there on teh 19th july - 25th july

cant wait, was great fun last year


just gotta take it easy and not try to break any records and its fine :D


nasty old spill that there though

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So when you say tragic, the riders all died? I would be surprised if the one that flew into the porsche at full whack survived it.


I'm surprised they haven't closed it yet as some people are a liability to themselves and others.

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that almost looks like a CBR-RR (bike) on the floor on the pic. Nasty business. Porsche did fairly well I think.


How long does it take for paramedics to get to said part of track?

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Ouch! Just goes to show it doesn't matter how in control you are you get taken out by the other guy

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having just lobbed that into Google to translate it, the porsche had stopped to avoid an accident in front when the Ducatti special edition hit it without having used the brakes at all... :|


Not good at all and hammers home to me why the only motorbiking I do is off roading on forest tracks where it's difficult to do over 20mph and falling off is kind of the point! :lol:

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I think the main problem their is the mixture of vehicles that can go on at once - motorbikes, cars, supercars, buses, lorrys, campers etc - it's mad...

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It is a free-for-all and is one of the reasons why I WONT be trying to set any records when I go out on it.. wanna just SEE the track and will dawdle round it.

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The pic looks like the exit of the foxhole which is a very fast part of the circuit. There are so many blind bends no wonder accidents like that happen!

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You're not helping with numbers for the trip there Eric! :lol:


and will dawdle round it.


So it's probably you getting stuffed up the arse next then?


What's that got to do with the Nurburgring tho? :lol:


I'm aware of how dangerous it is and if it's chucking it down with rain or stupidly busy, then I'm more than happy to sit it out.


If I do go on then I don't mind going at a reasonable pace, but I'm going to see what the fuss is about rather than to try and break some records/kill myself...

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I'll stick to racing on Gran turismo 4 for now...


trouble is..is you go slow rond there you are likely to get in someones ways thats going fast.. Its about time they "policed" the driving standards going on there. Its a demanding race track for a professional driver let alone a normal driver

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I'll stick to racing on Gran turismo 4 for now...

Just bought that cos my PS2 was so boring. Not impressed with GT4 that much but NBR track is cooooooool.

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jeez! :shock:

im goin back in july 7th, when we went it was pretty quiet, we all knew it was gona be bigger n busier in the summer,.

I felt i couldnt push the raddo round last time specially with a wet track with snow on the higher places!

so I have built a quick wee mk2 with rollcage n bucket seats, but after seeing all this it makes me think i might just take it easy(ish)


Can you imagine if this circuit was in britain!!!! It would never get used even for professional drivers! :roll:

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@ Henny: Well translated, pretty much what I did off the cuff :lol: But yeah, scary nonetheless.


just gotta take it easy and not try to break any records and its fine

That's the problem: If you want to go around the circuit nice and slowly to get to know the thing, you get some rich ar*e, who's there to rag his car, and if he writes it off by hitting you in the back (especially when he's just come over some of the nasty summits where you can't see what on the other side), he doesn't care, "I'll just buy myself another Porsche!", leaving you stranded, wondering what to do to get your car back up and running.


Yes, 2 were killed, the others badly wounded.


The pic looks like the exit of the foxhole

Correct, the only bit where you can open up.


You're not helping with numbers for the trip there Eric!

Just highlighting the whole thing from all sides ;-) I'm still planning on going on, unless, yes it chucks it down or whatever. As far as numbers are concerned: Yes, I would agree that too many people are let on the track at the same time. The only way to mildly protect ourselves here, is to go on with your mates at the same time, and stick together a bit, I suppose.


Then again, who cares, I'll just get myself a new US-spec G60 Corrado ;-)



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