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ToffeeRado in PVW?? who has this months PVW

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Bally told me he saw my car in the back on this month PVW In readers rides anyone have the issue and can you scan it for me PLEASE.

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rados are doing well in PVW theres been at least one in every mag for past few months now

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ToffeeRado, saw this the day it came out and was starting to wounder why you hadnt said anything!

nice to see another members car in there and your C looks great as always.


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Full feature must be coming soon and worthy of the cover IMO.




Well Golf+ will be first actually doing a photo shoot this summer for it, then more mods, interior ,wheels and clean up the engine bay more and figure out the entire hiding wire thing, then do PVW.

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yeah i spotted ya car toffee,still one of my favs, if not my fav 8)


i also got a slight mention this month aswell

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ToffeeRado, hey man, im from pitt meadows BC, just got a 1990 red vw g60 corrado.. what size are your brock rims?? and is it B2 or B2 super cup? holla back...



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